

Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
bethorien Report User
Who would win a bright boi or some chainsaw d*ldo 17 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
in melee combat, the person with the largest "effective combat area" on their weapon wins, light knuckles would be awful because you would get cut down by someone with an actual lightsaber before you can even get close.
not only would you be basically unable to block, your blocking area aviable is the length of your knuckles so you have to be precisely accurate to block with them, even if you block a hit the person with a lightsaber has leverage from the basic mechanics of wielding a weapon allowing them to gain more force in the attack than someone without that leverage effectely letting them batter you every time you block a hit which you arent even likely going to be able to do.
a person very skilled with unarmed martial arts is still fairly likely to die to a single person with a knife who even vaguely knows how to use it.
· Edited 4 years ago
You got that right boiii! 8 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
well, you gotta remember this animal crossing is about surviving on a deserted island and a lot of the ads and promotions for doom showed the pink and white outfit with wings
Krieg intensifies 1 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
i like to image the reason for this name is that the person who invented the word just was like
"yo when the mortor fires it sounds like its going "sTONkkk"
· Edited 4 years ago
The round planet 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
well, seeing as guest_ here only talked about the defense mechanism and not the actual omnivore part, horses are often found nomming small animals like baby birds or baby rabbits HOWEVER their entire digestive track is designed for eating plant matter and they cant by and large process meat in any meaningful way. this is true of most herbivores, other examples like this are deer and cows.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Who would win a bright boi or some chainsaw d*ldo 17 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
a lightsaber chainsaw would be less effective than just a lightsaber with a blade of the same length. the advantage a lighsaber has is that the entirety of the "business end" of the weapon is able to be used, literally 100% of the blade. If you made a lightsaber chainsaw it would work better than a normal chainsaw yes but it would be riddled with weak points for breaking and only have a mono-directional cutting edge instead of 360 effectiveness at the entire full length.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Froggo Fun #88 - Expressing Love 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
my love language is yes
Well.. Which one is it ? 2 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
i think the message to take here is that we should all be eating bacon so we can all become what we eat.
What a legend 17 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
a random aside/addition to something you said in that @guest_
idk about with islam stuff, but one common "pray, cleansing, etc" thing to use in cherokee stuff is smoke from certain woods being burned. Generally its even used in exactly the same way the water would be used in a similar thing but it "washing" your face or flicking it onto something or someone.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
No idea. 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
prisoner flying green of course!
My new hand sanitizer dispenser for my desk 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
corona has 4.5% alcohol content. that aint gonna do shit
Master of toasts 2 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
why is a metal colander going to do anything with plastic? the handles arent close enough to the flame to have any problems
He has to be this big to carry his whole team 2 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
welp, rts gamers gonna be doing pushups for the rest of their life
Chaotic good 1 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
theres nothing different about that than if they had been told the actual insult or if they had been told the word for beans.
they intent to insult each other and the recipient understands it as an insult.
functionally, the word is what you lied to them saying it is. it doesnt matter if to the rest of the world it means something different.
Ffeed the llamas 1 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
to quote a skyrim npc "men aren't good or bad, they are just men"
Oh hi Mark 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
a lot of schools do offer classes on "taxes." usually its something along the line of practical skills class. In my case it was a personal finance class and it was a hard requirement to graduate.
We need more ppl like this 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
at least with American schools, the school and by extension the staff and further by extension the students only get rewarded if their students score high and they also only get rewarded if only some of their students score high.
thats one of the leading causes of the current "grades are the only thing that matter" culture American schools have, because functionally for the success of the student and the school as a whole grades are the only thing that matter.
once those students leave the school however they find they actively fucked up by cheating to get ahead in math class or cramming before their biology exam when they cant pass their higher education classes and are forced into remedial classes, costing them years of time and thousands of dollars or realize they cant do the math required to do their entry level straight out of highschool job because they didnt pay attention and/or cheated in their freshman math class.
· Edited 4 years ago
Every introvert right now 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
people use introvert 100% incorrectly. someone who actively disdains human contact isnt an introvert they are asocial.
introverted people still enjoy contact with other people and still likes to interact with their friends, they just require substantially more time to themselves to function as a human than an extroverted person.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
On a good day 1 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
have you never heard of a wrap?
Snow white 12 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
that movie came out in 1938, she's 96 now im pretty sure thats of age
Zoomba 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
every president has had some sorta cult like following, trump's is just loud.
Have a picture of my dumbass after a duvet-repairing accident 16 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
first hurting yourself cooking in class now this?
u gotta be more careful grim you kinda need your hands.
· Edited 4 years ago
Haha true 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
ah yes the very famous pronunciation of tomato as "pomidor" and potato as "kartoska"
Alabama by region 9 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
what would be the term for this?
"blood is just a liquid"
Yeah we're fine with that, actually 4 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
just a bit of an expansion on what karlboll said,
the more money that is consolidated into the hands of the few the less goods are being bought and the less reason for new things to be started or for old things to be innovated.
A basic rule in economics goes something like "as purchasing power decreases the demand for inferior goods increases"
an example of this being that if Josh Mc'hadmoneyboi suddenly got a pay cut, decreasing his individual purchasing power, it would be less likely for him to buy a normal good (like bread) and more likely he would buy an inferior good (like ramen)