

Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions

— bethorien Report User
Hol up for a sec mate 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
doesnt poly imply she should be saying "our wife?"
poly, the communist sexuality.
for real tho chances are he's just getting dirt on her so if she tries to divorce and get leverage on the fact he cheated he can have some leverage back.
Very true 9 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
i read that as children like 3 times and couldnt figure out if it meant adoption, condoms, or finding the right spouse
There are two possibilities 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
even just talking strictly about biological sex saying there are "only two possibilities" is either 1. ignorant
2. disingenuous
there's an extreme number of other sex chromosome combinations that have been observed in humans.
i mean hell just with with Y chromosome there can be XYY and XYYY.
the amount of people with said combinations arent even known with any accuracy because there are so few noticeable differences between them and someone with XY that there is very rarely any reason to check since there is rarely any negative effects on the persons life and in some cases gives positives like more physical strength or height than average. its a mutation not any different than someone having red hair or green eyes and from an extremely pedantic view point you might call that evolution.
then youve got XXX and XXXX of which the former is basically unchanging and the later is often awful for the person.
ran out of space lol
· Edited 4 years ago
True 6 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
just a bit of context for the "not blind AF" people on fubsub, this is one of the images commonly used in eye exams.
Hillary Clinton writes to NASA (circa 1960) 6 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
15 would still be a girl yes, but no would consider that as a "little girl"
Guys, I am stuck in Wuhan. My flight to another city was tonight, the Chinese government 7 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
they arent covering their eyes so it wouldnt matter anyways
Canada, as it were 7 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
im in de secret 5th 1/4th in white
Spread this around, it only counts if you have proof 7 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
"retarded person" isnt a specific thing mate there isnt a diagnosis for "oh im so sorry you have the retardnedness" all that requires for someone to be considered such from a medical point of view (which isnt even used as a medical term anymore at least around here) is that they have learning difficulties.
what you just said is like looking at an asexual person and saying "oh sorry you arent lgbt enough" or looking at a switch and saying "oh you arent console enough, sorry"
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Me and the boy waiting patiently for Persona 5 Royal 13 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
*hug ew fren*
Me and the boy waiting patiently for Persona 5 Royal 13 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
its so cute!!!!
Facts 2 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
the typical argument ive seen for this one is that all companies are ran by the bigboimanfatherclubofopression and they specially only get enough women on the payroll to fool people into thinking they arent trying to only have men working.
Ara ara.... 2 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
vision is basically jarvis in a new body, they created vision by uploading jarvis into ultrons new body, ultron wouldnt have been considered to be only 3 at that point so why is jarvis
Watch and learn 4 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
the problem there is that might be out of the hands of cpdr, sony would probably kill that before the sentence could be finished being spoken
Psycho-an*lysis of Superman 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
dont just him for being insecure about his baby fat lel
Bill got no chill 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
i can think about apples
Some Orange Dude.. 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
technically this is implying that bulbasuar is more powerful than the entirety of the squirtle evolutionary line, the 2 pokemon further up in his own evolutionary line, and both of the predecessors to "some orange dude"-mon
Wholesome 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
depending on why his family lost the farm (my guess is an estate auction from debts)
this might not work. if my guess is correct, his family would still have to pay back the owed debt as the estate auction only works for that if the property being sold is sold at least around "average market price."
· Edited 4 years ago
Mac n' cheese was still awful 6 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
saunas are humid, bars serve liquids, and you can waterboard people in a dungeon. Boom job done lel
A fight between two mice in the London underground tunnel ... The photo is a candidate 7 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
i read that as "autograph" and was really confused for a moment
My coworker shaved his beard over the weekend. I can’t get past this comparison 1 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
i literally dont see a single similarity with the 2 of them past "short haired white dude" and their hair isnt even that similar.
Beat that 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
you wipe your ass with soap and water?
Who would win a bright boi or some chainsaw d*ldo 17 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
you have to remember that the very basic lightsaber form that every single jedi or sith is taught as their basic form that they have to know to learn any other form is designed to kill people who dont have lightsabers, its designed to kill people who dont have the range advantage a lighsaber does and destroy the weapon of their opponent.
Who would win a bright boi or some chainsaw d*ldo 17 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
look above where i say "a trained unamed martial artist will still very likely die even if attacked with knife by someone who kinda halfway knows what they are doing."
it doesnt matter how much you are trained, if you are going up against someone who is also trained (they will be if they have a fucking lightsaber) literally every single mechanic of melee combat is a disadvantage for you, there is basically no advantage to having a shorter weapon in melee combat where the person you are fighting is using a sword, this is made even worse by the fact the lightsaber is a sword with infinite cutting edges going full 360 around the blade and basically no weight meaning they can swing it jtust as fast as you can move your "light knuckles" as the light knuckles would weight identically and be shorter, meaning you would be swinging at the same speed at your wrists, and they would be swinging at a function getting faster the longer the blade is.
· Edited 4 years ago
200 IQ spook 13 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
the character of "skull with trumpet" is named "doot doot" or at least the meme of said character is called such.
1 · Edited 4 years ago