Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
The cycle 2 comments
· 4 years ago
get your best friend a durable friend to play with, perferably one thats easy to fix
Could be worth it 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Mayhem is a bit more than just funny business.
Legally speaking, to be charged with mayhem you must have permanently damaged someone’s limbs to the point of rendering it useless or nearly to such a point. It’s basically the legal word for a crime involving the maiming of someone else.
It’s a felony and in multiple states it holds a life sentence.
Legally speaking, to be charged with mayhem you must have permanently damaged someone’s limbs to the point of rendering it useless or nearly to such a point. It’s basically the legal word for a crime involving the maiming of someone else.
It’s a felony and in multiple states it holds a life sentence.
Fight 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Just a thing about this, the katana’s one main strength is that you don’t need perfect edge alignment to do damage with it. The way it’s weighted and single edged and curved makes it so that when cutting into something it will feel like it actively wants to have better edge alignment than your skills let you do.
That's how things work 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Spooky shop keeper: "the tax it will take out of your soul!"
me: yes i know how data collection works.
me: yes i know how data collection works.
The best gun control 1 comments
· 4 years ago
i said this last time this got posted
the audio makes it even better because its a class on gun safety and he literally just said something about trigger discipline. One of the people there asked him ":did you mean to do that?" and he tries to play it off as actually being on purpose.
the audio makes it even better because its a class on gun safety and he literally just said something about trigger discipline. One of the people there asked him ":did you mean to do that?" and he tries to play it off as actually being on purpose.
My favorite T-shirt (@mikriarktos) 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Remember, they did take down all the memes of that character on copyright grounds they could find before they balked to public backlash
My favorite T-shirt (@mikriarktos) 5 comments
· 4 years ago
I feel like selling a shirt using a copyrighted character in a way that does not criticize, comment, or review the said character is likely not a good idea. While I don’t want anything bad to happen I can definitely see ol’ mouse ears suing over this, they’ve sued over less before.
Edited 4 years ago
refugee’s take on 4chan 3 comments
Phrasing is everything 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Just gonna add, the wording is likely trying to be as opinion/interpretation neutral, likely for legal reasons rather than any ethical reason, tho I would say that from an ethical standpoint it’s probably better (obviously in my subjective opinion on the matter) that conclusions about the news should be left to the person reading and not thrust upon the news itself. Facts only, no opinions.
*giggles in darwinism* 5 comments
Are you excited to see The Rock's take on Black Adam? 3 comments
· 4 years ago
the only real complaint i have is that the rock might be too huge, like black atom is a buff dude but the rock is huge compared to the new superman. He's taller than cavil and far more "hench."
Guarded standing flaky Gerbil 6 comments
· 4 years ago
we've been over this before, idk how recently.
basically speaking, as long as the person genuinely thinks the direction they are praying in is correct at the start of the prayer, its considered good enough.
basically speaking, as long as the person genuinely thinks the direction they are praying in is correct at the start of the prayer, its considered good enough.
We're sure there's a joke in here somewhere... 2 comments
· 4 years ago
According to Non-legends canon there’s only one mandalorian standing there, and only one beskar’gam being worn.
Etc etc etc 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Me: using etc when you get too lazy to finish explaining what you were talking about even if you’d just started 10 seconds ago and want to do something with less effort involved.l
Edited 4 years ago
Accurate serious tremendous Cassowary 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Just to add to what guest said, one way to look at plasma is too look at it the same way we look at a jelly. It’s what’s called a colloid, which is somewhere between a solid and a liquid. A plasma by some descriptions would be in a similar situation, somewhere between a gas and a theoretical physical state distinct from that.
This is also heavily simplified version of stuff, there are many many many many pages of papers talking about plasma and how to describe it and how to classify it.
Edited 4 years ago
This is also heavily simplified version of stuff, there are many many many many pages of papers talking about plasma and how to describe it and how to classify it.
Screams in Eagle 9 comments
· 4 years ago
The main selling point for C for the average person is that it scales to water’s changes on a scale that humans can understand easy, 0 to 100.
No average person uses that. People watch till it boils no measurements, people wait for it to freeze no measurements.
F has the benefit of that easy to understand for humans scale of 0 to 100 for what people actually measure commonly. Air temperature.
Same disclaimer as last time: yes other systems are better for specialized tasks, but the average person would be better off using F.
No average person uses that. People watch till it boils no measurements, people wait for it to freeze no measurements.
F has the benefit of that easy to understand for humans scale of 0 to 100 for what people actually measure commonly. Air temperature.
Same disclaimer as last time: yes other systems are better for specialized tasks, but the average person would be better off using F.
Screams in Eagle 9 comments
· 4 years ago
I wrote a fairly simplified explanation why F is actually better for the average person than C is on the last mindless America bashing for the sake of it post regarding temperature. I’ll simplify it even further because I can’t be asked to do it all over again, and yes it was probably more effort to preface it with this than to just post the whole thing, I do what I want.
Selfies are dumb 4 comments
· 4 years ago
And then the bike boi got ran over. Don’t split lanes kids, even if there’s a juicy phone to steal.
What came first , the chicken or the egg? 5 comments
· 4 years ago
A vegan that does CrossFit is a vegan first.
A cross fitter that has a vegan diet is a cross fitter first.
A cross fitter that has a vegan diet is a cross fitter first.
Warhammer Wednesday 3: The Eversor Assassin 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Not too much to say about this one other than just, all of the assassins are different extremes of badassery. Like they are basically the 4 horseman of badassness.
If you're going through hell, keep going 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Fun fact about that, warp travel isn’t a science at all really. It can and has thrown ships backwards in time, in one case causing a ship to arrive back at base only to watch its past self go into warp space to go to the mission it just got back from because the warp decides “heh time go brrrr”
Edited 4 years ago
Awaken Phaeron 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Correction, you can’t eat but you can definitely try. There is a thing with the necrons called the flayer virus which basically makes them want to consume flesh but are unable to and so flay any living things they find alive and decorate their bodies with their skin.
In old lore the necrons harvested souls for their gods but that got retcon’d
Edited 4 years ago
In old lore the necrons harvested souls for their gods but that got retcon’d
These measuring cups 11 comments
· 4 years ago
If you are going 100% accurate exactly totally with no exception what a recipe says then that’s your first problem. Just round to the closest in whatever measurement system you are using. And I’ll repeat again, the measurement system you use plays absolutely no part in the tools you use.
Also 227 would be almost exactly halfway between the 200 and the 250g marks. Like, if you split it at exactly halfway between those points you’d only be off by 2g. If you can’t eye ball that you might need a pair of glasses.
Edited 4 years ago
Also 227 would be almost exactly halfway between the 200 and the 250g marks. Like, if you split it at exactly halfway between those points you’d only be off by 2g. If you can’t eye ball that you might need a pair of glasses.
These measuring cups 11 comments
· 4 years ago
ok so at that point it also still doesn't matter what measurement system you are using because you arent doing any of the math or conversions, you're just throwing bricks at the wall until one slots in the hole.