Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
It do be like that 3 comments
· 4 years ago
not ever war was dictated by a set of engagement rules.
sadman 21 comments
· 4 years ago
Some more information about the law.
Tier 2 means how likely a given area is to have an infection spread, basically a measure of how many infected there are there. For reference london is Tier 2.
This law has an exception if at least one of the members of the couple live alone.
The law also makes an exception for couples who live in a "support bubble" which is a bit of an open term, basically if 2 household have household to household socialization then members of those 2 households can also fuck.
Tier 2 means how likely a given area is to have an infection spread, basically a measure of how many infected there are there. For reference london is Tier 2.
This law has an exception if at least one of the members of the couple live alone.
The law also makes an exception for couples who live in a "support bubble" which is a bit of an open term, basically if 2 household have household to household socialization then members of those 2 households can also fuck.
sadman 21 comments
· 4 years ago
extreme fascism and extreme bureaucracy are effectively the same thing for the end user at a certain point.
Based Donald 1 comments
· 4 years ago
fun fact: if this wasnt fake, legally speaking presidential candidates are entitled to effectively equal favoring. The main way this is enforced is that if a TV channel shows X camdidate's ad they have to give any other remaining opponents equal air time.
Technically speaking this move would be a absolutely great because it could be argued that they would legallly have to limit all other competing candidates to a single character as well and god it would be funny to watch.
Technically speaking this move would be a absolutely great because it could be argued that they would legallly have to limit all other competing candidates to a single character as well and god it would be funny to watch.
Tv on severus snape 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Depends on book vs movie snape. Book snape makes it clear multiple times he’s only protecting him for the sake of lily but movie snape doesn’t have any of those scenes. The omitting of those scenes for the movies makes a totally different character and one good example of this is the scene where he produced the doe patronus. In both scenes dumbledor implies snape has grown to care for Harry. In the books snape makes a statement implying the doe is showing he only cares for Lily’s memory but in the movie that statement is purposefully absent to imply that version of snape actually does care about Harry.
Cats and Sneks both Sits if they Fits 10 comments
Hades' Punishments 25 comments
· 4 years ago
you can look to see who it was by goinng on the internet archive.
the deleted account is "strangelyacoustic"
the deleted account is "strangelyacoustic"
That is a good point 12 comments
· 4 years ago
ah so only a problem for a place that isnt the grand old "1/3rd of the american population openly owns guns" land
Rejoice 13 comments
· 4 years ago
just capture a band of roving elephants and harvest an appropriately sized heart whenever a replacement is needed
2spooky4us stories 2 comments
· 4 years ago
well, in specifically this case, since a pumpkin is a living thing rather than gingerbread which is a manufactured thing, one could very easily just say that this pumpkin man is living in the corpse of a much larger member of his own species, as that is how the house was made.
Edited 4 years ago
Matthew 18:6 15 comments
· 4 years ago
just gonna add onto something you said or i guess, answer a question you offered.
" Does YouTube and the parent or even the child (posting video of themselves dancing) face criminal charges?"
at least in oklahoma, the person who distributed the content would be charged. So if the child uploaded the video themselves they would potentially face a charge of distribution of child pornography. If the parent did they most definitely would, this all assuming that video in question is found to be pornographic.
there's a whole hypothetical scenario based on how the laws are written where, if a 17 year old sends a picture of their genitals to another 17 year old both could potentially face jail time, one for possessing child pornography and one for distributing it. The act of sending the photograph to another causes the image to go from a legal non-sexual picture of themselves for potentially "is there something wrong with my bits" purposes to being defined as sexual from being a nude sent.
" Does YouTube and the parent or even the child (posting video of themselves dancing) face criminal charges?"
at least in oklahoma, the person who distributed the content would be charged. So if the child uploaded the video themselves they would potentially face a charge of distribution of child pornography. If the parent did they most definitely would, this all assuming that video in question is found to be pornographic.
there's a whole hypothetical scenario based on how the laws are written where, if a 17 year old sends a picture of their genitals to another 17 year old both could potentially face jail time, one for possessing child pornography and one for distributing it. The act of sending the photograph to another causes the image to go from a legal non-sexual picture of themselves for potentially "is there something wrong with my bits" purposes to being defined as sexual from being a nude sent.
train 7 comments
· 4 years ago
any amount of people can be made to look mathematically insignificant if you manipulate the visual display of said number enough
Ok compooter 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Technically simulation theory doesn’t imply intelligent design, it only implies that it’s a computer simulation. It’s entirely possible that, in the case this is a simulation, that the world wasn’t designed but procedurally generated
Waffles have “syrup pockets” and I love them so much 13 comments
· 4 years ago
i love both for different reasons. Both have great tastes, both have good texture just different good. The way they interact with syrup is both good in different ways.
A friend told me her car got totaled. I asked her what happened and she sent me this 3 comments
· 4 years ago
i assume the car with its bumper on her hood rolled off the roof of the car after being absolutely yeeted by hitting that divider brick line thing
Protocol 3 7 comments
· 4 years ago
ok? i dont understand the point of that statement, are you saying that to mean that there wont be any situations where break failure will cause one of these vehicles to need to choose between a pedestrian who is following the law and the driver of the vehicle?
if so that requires one to accept the idea that
1. servicing makes brake failure impossible.
2. every owner of one of these vehicles will properly service their vehicle regularly.
even if you accept those 2 things as fact (which i dont) there are many situations in which a car can be caused to not brake in time for a pedestrian who is following the law and has right of way be it from the vehicle having a fault or a failure or an outside source causing the vehicle to lose control enough to have to make the choice of the aformentioned right of way pedestrian and the driver of the vehicle.
Edited 4 years ago
if so that requires one to accept the idea that
1. servicing makes brake failure impossible.
2. every owner of one of these vehicles will properly service their vehicle regularly.
even if you accept those 2 things as fact (which i dont) there are many situations in which a car can be caused to not brake in time for a pedestrian who is following the law and has right of way be it from the vehicle having a fault or a failure or an outside source causing the vehicle to lose control enough to have to make the choice of the aformentioned right of way pedestrian and the driver of the vehicle.
Protocol 3 7 comments
· 4 years ago
Unless it’s got a break failure/lose of total control as it’s coming up to a red light crosswalk in which case the pedestrian has right of way
Got my first two D&D characters commissioned 7 comments
· 4 years ago
Is cool!!!!
Only nitpicky (who would have guessed beth has a nitpick lel) thing I have is that that I wouldn’t really call that a trident lel.
But ye is cool!!!!
I particularly like the way the legs of the Druid look so extremely deer-like
Edited 4 years ago
Only nitpicky (who would have guessed beth has a nitpick lel) thing I have is that that I wouldn’t really call that a trident lel.
But ye is cool!!!!
I particularly like the way the legs of the Druid look so extremely deer-like
title 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Orc with a c and Humanity wins hands down.
Ork with a k humanity would be wiped out in days at most.
Ork with a k humanity would be wiped out in days at most.
Warhammer Wednesday 6: Settra the Imperishable 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Settra is pretty fucking cool. The tomb kings are one of my 2 fav factions in warhammer fantasy.
Adventurous dynamic sedate Spider 6 comments