Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
Ugh, too political 18 comments
· 4 years ago
That’s not “gamer dudes”
That’s humans. Literally any form of entertainment with the capacity for “characters” will have people like that in their community. They are one of the many vocal minorities in any community as the vast majority of a community gives very little shit about anything to do with it and just enjoys an entertainment form without much further thought about anything more than surface level details. Most people that consume a given “character bearing media” probably won’t even remember enough about it the next day to have any complaints about it.
That’s humans. Literally any form of entertainment with the capacity for “characters” will have people like that in their community. They are one of the many vocal minorities in any community as the vast majority of a community gives very little shit about anything to do with it and just enjoys an entertainment form without much further thought about anything more than surface level details. Most people that consume a given “character bearing media” probably won’t even remember enough about it the next day to have any complaints about it.
I want to pet the hell out of it But I prefer my hands without holes 8 comments
· 4 years ago
the secret to affection for this id assume would be to put your hand on its head from the side, lacing your fingers through the pokeys from the middle of them and giving it nice head scritches/pats/rubby like that
Amazon just hired 80,000 workers 11 comments
· 4 years ago
the whole point of hazard pay is that something changed about the job causing it to be more dangerous to continue doing. A pandemic definitely counts.
Kasparov is pissing on the board 10 comments
· 4 years ago
a few issues with these randomly drawn lines, one shows the queen going diagonally from a dark square to a light square. Multiple lines show pawns going straight left and right. There's a line with no arrows on it going between e5 to e7. There's also an arrowless line going from a2 to e6 and then from e6 to b2. There's a line going from dark square g5 to light square d3 diagonally. There's a line with 2 arrowheads on it going from d7 to f7.
god, if you're going to make fun of chess at least make the spaghetti of moves possible lol
god, if you're going to make fun of chess at least make the spaghetti of moves possible lol
Lord/Lady, Bringer of Predictive Text Games 88 comments
Amazon just hired 80,000 workers 11 comments
· 4 years ago
ah yes, even tho they are crammed into a warhouse with eachother with multiple protests happening to get more infection prevention measures put in place, the people working in amazon warehouses dont count as "the public" therefor they cant spread the virus to each other. Not like people could catch it from somewhere else like the grocery store, be asymptomatic during incubation as per normal for covid, and spread it to everyone else on their 12 hour shift and risk spreading it to the next shift during shift change.
Edited 4 years ago
Lord/Lady, Bringer of Predictive Text Games 88 comments
· 4 years ago
My phone is basically brand new (in that I bought it second hand and factory reset it so it thinks it’s brand new) so this is some of the closest to default iPhone predictives you can get. Also idk why vegan is in there I’ve never typed the word myself and am definitely not a vegan
Edited 4 years ago
Lord/Lady, Bringer of Predictive Text Games 88 comments
· 4 years ago
I am bethorien, lady of the day, bringer of a time of the year. Fear me for I am a vegan.
Just some old regular musical chairs 8 comments
Remember 12 comments
· 4 years ago
just a reminder that the earliest known mention (in the form of a visual depiction) of cornrows is on ancient greek statues and many european cultures had styles that braided hair down to the scalp like that, just not in exactly the same way.
This is fixing to be the worst Pirates of the Caribbean I've ever heard of 21 comments
· 4 years ago
the way its worded is
"added obviously a very key female element to that world"
which doesnt really have a positive way of framing
youve got
1. implying its obviously key simply because its female
2. implying its obviously lacking existing key female elements
3. or implying both at once
Edited 4 years ago
"added obviously a very key female element to that world"
which doesnt really have a positive way of framing
youve got
1. implying its obviously key simply because its female
2. implying its obviously lacking existing key female elements
3. or implying both at once
Yeah, the death of metaphysics is cool and all, but can it cure erectile dysfunction? 5 comments
· 4 years ago
I can 100% see a small child who doesn’t know wtf the word philosophy is thinking, with no other context for the word than hearing doctor in the sentence and potentially thinking that philosophy sounds similar to some other illnesses that she’s heard on tv or overhear adults speaking of, that the word is the name of a sickness and asking if what they think is true. Kids made assumptions and ask questions basically all day.
Made with Love 4 comments
· 4 years ago
It’s a copy of your mind, you switch of once a day for 8 hours, maybe it’s just copying that?
Edited 4 years ago
Tiny bull on sale 3 comments
· 4 years ago
im not wearing my glasses so it took looking at it twice to figure out what the picture is. THe first time i legit thought "wtf how is that bull so smol"
Anon watches anime 9 comments
Anon watches anime 9 comments
· 4 years ago
ill just point out this reminded me fairly heavily of capaldi doctor's speech to missy.
The last good one on console was Custer's Revenge 3 comments
· 4 years ago
before anyone comments about how console has skyrim mods now, play station skyrim mods cant add any new assets to the game, they are only allowed to use assets already existing in the game meaning no new items, just rejigged existing items, no new models or meshes, any new locations or npcs have to use existing visuals and existing audio and existing npc and location system rules.
Xbox modding is a bit better than that but not by much at all, playstation skyrim and fallout are both limited to a single gig of mods. Xbox modding is limited to 5 gigs of mods which is basically nothing especially with the fact xbox isnt limited to vanilla assets, you somehow have to fit all of your mods new visuals and audio into 5 gigs and theres a total active mods cap on xbox that counts any mods, even mods that just add new visuals to the game which on PC the limit is an engine limitation that only counts mods that add an item to the load order.
Edited 4 years ago
Xbox modding is a bit better than that but not by much at all, playstation skyrim and fallout are both limited to a single gig of mods. Xbox modding is limited to 5 gigs of mods which is basically nothing especially with the fact xbox isnt limited to vanilla assets, you somehow have to fit all of your mods new visuals and audio into 5 gigs and theres a total active mods cap on xbox that counts any mods, even mods that just add new visuals to the game which on PC the limit is an engine limitation that only counts mods that add an item to the load order.
So true mate 16 comments
· 4 years ago
otaku as a culture is still stigmatized a bit in japan. People still have an idea of what they assume someone that enjoys anime looks like, the same way that many people in the english speaking west have an idea of someone thats knowledgeable about how computers work or someone that watches american cartoons like simpsons or futurama.
#standwithhk #SOShongkong #maydaymayday 32 comments
· 4 years ago
just going to point out that using conservative as a dirty word makes you just as much of a useless piece of shit as people that use liberal as a dirty word, not better
Coping Mechanism Police 18 comments
Shrill uptight Llama 4 comments
· 4 years ago
ifi you email steam support telling them that you would like refund a game that doesnt work at all and that you spent the 2 hour grace period trying to get the game to work rather than actually playing it they'll usually be kind and refund it for you
The ol' Police Academy reboot 24 comments
· 4 years ago
Law enforcement doesn’t deal with 90% of the law. They deal with just criminal law and the only time they are making decisions is on very specific stuff which their training is focused on.
First you cut out all of the civil law as they don’t deal with the details of that, then you cut out all of the criminal law that doesn’t require police to mess with it other than just arresting the dude when they are told to arrest him like tax evasion. Now cut out any of the law that isn’t something that police see during their normal moving around on patrol but still warrants a police response when reported.
Now you have all of what police need to know about the law which generally is “do what the people that outrank you tell you to do”
The most legally complex thing a cop needs to know about is how traffic tickets work and whether punching someone or pointing a gun at someone is something you can arrest someone for.
First you cut out all of the civil law as they don’t deal with the details of that, then you cut out all of the criminal law that doesn’t require police to mess with it other than just arresting the dude when they are told to arrest him like tax evasion. Now cut out any of the law that isn’t something that police see during their normal moving around on patrol but still warrants a police response when reported.
Now you have all of what police need to know about the law which generally is “do what the people that outrank you tell you to do”
The most legally complex thing a cop needs to know about is how traffic tickets work and whether punching someone or pointing a gun at someone is something you can arrest someone for.
on the other one, theres a whole school of design revolving around what things are unrealistic in an unrealistic setting. The whole argument of "well there's dragons and magic so literally anything that happens no matter what or anything shown no matter what is logical in the context of the subject matter" doesn't really hold up at all. Things need internal consistency, things need to be believable within themselves. An accepted by society "out" gay/trans character in a piece of media in which the society doesnt have anything specifically against those or perferably an active acceptance of things outside a social norm? believeable.