Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
Loving parents 5 comments
· 4 years ago
The average monthly American rent is about 1400 dollars so if we take that and multiple it by 12 and then by 6 we get 100600 dollars which is about half the average cost of an American house, however if he moved from a more average American city to a suburb or small town in a cheaper state anything from 50k-150k could be seen depending on the size and quality of the interior.
If the purge was real 11 comments
· 4 years ago
Officials are immune to the purge, crimes committed against them are not free during the purge event like other people
Goalless magenta ambivalent Ibis 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Just to add to this head canon of yours, we’ve found ancient Egyptians dice of various side numbers as well as a 20 sided dice with Ancient Greek characters on each face. While yes the most likely thing is that they used it for gambling, it definitely can’t hurt the head canon to know they had dice that fit modern dnd standards
Edited 4 years ago
Why though 5 comments
· 4 years ago
One possible explanation being that getting hit directly on the opened yelling mouth would likely leave teeth marks and may cause an instinctual biting reflex
The other possible explanation being that children are weird and will try to bite random shit because they can and are curious
Edited 4 years ago
The other possible explanation being that children are weird and will try to bite random shit because they can and are curious
Hercule Van Wolfwinkle has now raised over £38,000 5 comments
· 4 years ago
If I saw a newspaper comic strip or a webcomic drawn in this style I wouldn’t bat an eye. Look at pusheen or cyanide and happiness. Both of those are drawn in less detailed styles just solid colors fill tooled into the shapes without even the texture put into the fur of the cat drawing in the post and they are both extremely well loved cultural icons.
Edited 4 years ago
Perspective is in the eye of the beholder 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Sahara toilet makes more sense as a term than Sahara desert does since Sahara desert means desert desert
murica 9 comments
· 4 years ago
depends on how the kid died, the fact she plead guilty definitely lowered her sentencing and it could have very well been a very stupid 100% her fault accident that she should have known better than to let happen that she'll regret for the rest of her life, we cant know how the kid died from a single line title of an article.
Also if that image is actually connected to the top article and isnt just something the writter found on the internet, that is a LOT of weed lol.
Also if that image is actually connected to the top article and isnt just something the writter found on the internet, that is a LOT of weed lol.
I've seen enough h*ntai .. 7 comments
· 4 years ago
It mentions hentai in the title and is properly tagged nsfw also it doesn’t show anything explicit, you could show this on broadcast tv, seems fine to me
Edited 4 years ago
Froggo Fun #330 - More Monday Motivation 2 comments
Save the drama for your predictive text (Maury Edition) 27 comments
· 4 years ago
When asked if you could have a vegan vegan pizza place
You said you were going to be home by five or so
The lie detector proved that was the best language of a human body
You said you were going to be home by five or so
The lie detector proved that was the best language of a human body
And this is a fact 9 comments
You don’t McKnow me 4 comments
PoGo Project #97 - Hail the Omnissiah! 3 comments
The pensions are loaded, also 10 comments
· 4 years ago
are you seriously saying that you dont think socialized healthcare and legally protected annual leave is socialist policy?
if so then wtf does count as a socialist policy to you?
Edited 4 years ago
if so then wtf does count as a socialist policy to you?
The pensions are loaded, also 10 comments
· 4 years ago
the fact that its a thing that often happens in the US doesnt instantly make it not socialism. lawfully granted time off and lawful granted free healthcare, which congress has as all of the benefits of being in congress is written in law and only in the law and require a bill to pass through normal systems to remove, is a socialist thing. The idea of healthcare given by the government is literally termed "socalized healthcare" in the US.
Edited 4 years ago
texts 2 comments
· 4 years ago
I find it hilarious. The npcs in the game aren’t profanity filtered in the online play but the players are. You can send messages in chat quoting something a cop just said to you in a car chase and it’ll be censored but when he said it the game will let you blast it so loud old lady Sandra 5 houses down will know that killing makes random gta cop number 1000000’s dick hard
Ganga Gary 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Maybe the fact he used to rather than still does means he learned the right lesson about taking not fully trusted drugs from people he doesn’t know and just isn’t apply that lesson logically lol
Edited 4 years ago
~1974 candy dispensers had a different vibe about them 5 comments
· 4 years ago
More like, a word will be pc until the inventor generation’s children get ahold of it and use it as a pejorative in their adolescence causing that generation to feel about the new word the same way that the previous generation felt about the old one. Could skip a generation and last an extra because of it, could last not even a full generation especially now that the adolescent users of the new word are on the internet and everything moves faster nowadays.
But ye, generally speaking all work spent to invent PC terms will eventually have to be done over again repeatedly forever until we hit a point where either 1. Kids stop using pejoratives at each other
Or 2. We give up on making pc words
But ye, generally speaking all work spent to invent PC terms will eventually have to be done over again repeatedly forever until we hit a point where either 1. Kids stop using pejoratives at each other
Or 2. We give up on making pc words
~1974 candy dispensers had a different vibe about them 5 comments
· 4 years ago
retarded was the term at the time that was PC. it was used as an alternative to what the era's people were being offended about the same way retarded was replaced with mentally challenged in the 90s and now mentally challenged isn't PC anymore.
The whole point of the top of this lid is a, for the time, VERY PC statement because most people didn't believe that "retarded children" could be educated at all and were incapable of gaining any complex knowledge or being anything other than a total wasteful burden.
So not only is it actively trying to avoid offending people, its also actively trying to make people more PC.
The whole point of the top of this lid is a, for the time, VERY PC statement because most people didn't believe that "retarded children" could be educated at all and were incapable of gaining any complex knowledge or being anything other than a total wasteful burden.
So not only is it actively trying to avoid offending people, its also actively trying to make people more PC.
Ugh, too political 18 comments
· 4 years ago
an accepted by society "out" gay/trans character in a piece of media in "medieval/renaissance italy but with magic" like assassins creed? not as believable. At the time the church would have still been pushing conformity and uniformity specifically precluding that from being allowed.
Some examples of actual things that could fit this sorta thing and that ive personally seen complains about.
alternate timeline world war whatever in (battlefield?) having female soldiers? its not trying to be historically accurate, its actively pushing anti-history in an alternate timeline, one of those alterations is a need for more troops requiring conscription to no long discriminate along genitalia lines. Relatively believable.
A character named mislav in the witcher, gay man whose's gayness was outed, causing him to be exiled from his place in the lords employ. The witcher takes place in a weird amalgam of a couple eras of northern Europe mashed together into a fictional world. Thats believable.
Some examples of actual things that could fit this sorta thing and that ive personally seen complains about.
alternate timeline world war whatever in (battlefield?) having female soldiers? its not trying to be historically accurate, its actively pushing anti-history in an alternate timeline, one of those alterations is a need for more troops requiring conscription to no long discriminate along genitalia lines. Relatively believable.
A character named mislav in the witcher, gay man whose's gayness was outed, causing him to be exiled from his place in the lords employ. The witcher takes place in a weird amalgam of a couple eras of northern Europe mashed together into a fictional world. Thats believable.
Potentially implying that his drink mix was so good that it sent him to hell