

Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions

— bethorien Report User
*knocks on wood* 2 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
The rarity part is technically correct in that, if you select any random place in the universe it’s far more likely that point has a diamond than it has wood, however, the value part is incorrect. Value isn’t something that’s intrinsic to an object, it’s entirely decided by what people think, masses opinion is fact in regard to the value of an object. People consider diamond to be worth more than an equal amount of wood therefor it is more valueable than wood.
True though. 11 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
I mean if we wanna be super practical bull fighting is a sport and I doubt many people would be all that cut up about the permanent stopping of a sport consisting of drugging and torturing a bull until it can’t fight back before killing it.
This is how a Nintendo 64 an*log stick works 6 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
Magic powers traded for cornflakes to demon birds
Original one 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
This is true of most places and most emergency numbers, you try to call the wrong emergency number be it 911, 000, 999 whatever it’ll redirect you to the right one for your location
How the turntables 6 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
The meme went completely over your head man, the point of the meme is that teachers would count you points off or verbally do the same thing as the meme even in questions where the unit of the answer was implied by the question.
Tbh tho 1 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
I’d much prefer they not do it and come back after seeing the aftermath and say “I’m glad I listened to you” but that’s just me I guess
And???? What happened next???? 9 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
Generally people refer to mac laptops as MacBooks, same with chrome based laptops, they are generally called chromebooks. A “notebook” is a category of laptop and for a good chunk of people the only Mac machines they’ve had experience with are MacBooks so the term Mac in their head refers to a brand of computer that only makes notebook style laptops.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
OCD sense tingling 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
OCD isn’t always all straight lines and neatness, I’ve got OCD, this doesn’t bother me at all much less drive me crazy.
Rural is more fun, actually 8 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
I live in the Styx, definitely what you might call the countryside, I’ve got the best internet in the even remotely close area because the electric company was able to send a letter out to people saying “hey we as fellow people that live here are tired of slow internet, we also don’t have existing infrastructure and public property and land rights to deal with here in the Styx like we would in a town, everyone that wants full fiber optic send 200 dollars extra with the next bill after signing this agreement and have your bill temporarily go up by 200 dollars for a couple months and then we can all have better internet”
Also having to drive away far for food that tastes like cardboard compared to cooking food yourself in exchange for not living in a god damn city isn’t even a fucking lose really.
4 · Edited 4 years ago
Who even watches less than an entire season of The Office at a time? 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
You can skip intros that are always the same and skip credits. Doing either of these regularly will prevent such a message.
Yeet 16 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
i think that means you need to learn how to drink from a glass with ice in it, thats not an issue ive even heard of anyone having before in my life.
Wholesome Kim 9 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
china is huge, youd have to use a lot of nukes, at the payload of the nukes we have today youd probably cool the earths temperature by about 2F a year for a couple years from the material sent into the air blocking the sun's heat. You'd also make it rain less worldwide for probably about the same duration. The temperature change might sound like a good thing at first but if it lasts even 5 years thats a 10 degree difference and 5 years of reduced rainfall. Crops would get fucked up. The debris from a nuke going off have been estimated to continue affecting the earth directly for up to a decade, meaning a 20F change to the world wide temperature and 10 years of reduced rainfall.
Shipwrecked 3 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
from what part of the depths of my brain are you dragging memories?
Sorry you can't have a Police State and the greatest president ever as well. Pick one 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
You wanna talk about police state look at the newest potential gun legislation that will require a publicly searchable database of everyone that possesses a gun in the United States with a 15-25 year sentence and a 50k-75k fine for not wanting anyone in the world to know you, person living at X address with Y registration information has Z guns.
Sky Cinema's Comedy channel schedule for today 6 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
I see what they did there
Common flawed cut Hummingbird 11 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
FunSubstance, build it and the asexuals will come!
Also are you counting me in that 4 or 5?
Nooo 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
yes, and it was cheaper on a "how much am i paying for any given unit of power" scale.
Something we can all laugh at 4 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
the brokers and clearing houses too apparently
"Girls, smile for the camera!" 5 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
not only that, he begged to be put into the guys competition but they wouldn't let him. He knew and accepted he would be at a disadvantage in the men's category but they just wouldn't let him switch over.
and just to be full clarification mode here just to be sure no one is twisting terms around, this is a female who is in the process of transition. A person who was born with female anatomy. Not a male being put in female sports, a female not being allowed to compete at a disadvantage instead being forced to compete at an unfair advantage.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Crossover episode 4 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
The person who started the whole thing has proved multiple times that he hasnt sold yet and has also been interviewed by multiple news outlets with his real name being public and full video camera of him. He's a financial educator for an insurance firm, not a professional stock player.
Quarantine rainbow hair 1 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
Quarantine Rainbowhair? isnt that they guy that played doctor strange?
I love you like a buddy, bud 2 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
he oblviously means he doesnt want his other coworkers knowing that it happened
Chads 11 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
nickmercs has 3 million subscribers on youtube, statistically speaking thats a very small fraction of the total people that have seen and heard of his content. In what world is having upwards of 6-10 million people knowing who you are, knowing what you look like, knowing what you do for a living NOT famous. You wanna talk about "these days" 50 years ago someone would be considered famous for having their whole home town know about them, a couple hundred thousand people in a suburb.
"oh he's not famous because i personally dont know him." is such a self centered viewpoint. lol.
The Name of the Game to Fame is Blame 8 comments
bethorien · 4 years ago
yea, how things are in your immediate area or immediate personal experience is really hard to untainted your perception from, Before looking up the actual country wide legal stuff all i had to go off of was a vague memory of a news article from last year that said something like "half of all oklahoma school districts reported confirmed cases of covid"
opposite ends of the same issue lol :D