This is deep af 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Everyone's happy.
So many people do it 42 comments
So many people do it 42 comments
· 9 years ago
Your all weird, some parents and children kiss on the mouth, it's normal, your all the strange ones sexualising it. Do you freak out when friends kiss on the mouth. Keep your strange predjudices to yourself, if you don't like it don't do it but don't condem or ridicule others for it.
So many people do it 42 comments
· 9 years ago
Why? There is no problem with kissing of any genders of your family, because it's family. Not everyone sexualises kissing. Grow up and stop being weird and homophobic.
Human fetus? 79 comments
· 9 years ago
A pro-birth, atheist, you also forgot to add propagander spreading asshole to the list.
If anyone needs help, don't be afraid to reach out. There is always help. 23 comments
· 9 years ago
You statistical probably do, unless you know only 5 people. Also abuse is purely emotional based so why would you try to rationalise it by removing emotion, your removing 80% of the equation making the rationalisation invalid. In the end it just seems like you love the sound of your own voice.
If anyone needs help, don't be afraid to reach out. There is always help. 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Clearly you haven't been in an abusive relationship. The abuse isn't just physical it's emotional conditioning. Abusers systematically isolate you, tear you down and wear away at your ability to tell right from wrong. They make you feel like your nothing and only have them to rely on, continuously manipulating you. By then end you own the abuse and make excuses for it.....most of the time not even noticing. No one wants to be abused, this is a heart breaking story that is told daily.....why would you want to victim blame someone who has been shattered on so many levels. Maybe do some research and work on having more empathy, you prolly know someone who's been in a situation like this. What your saying just contributes towards ignorance that harms.
Someone please explain 20 comments
Don't be a jerk 25 comments
· 9 years ago
Nothing wrong with engaging in this app, sex doesn't equil bad manners or rudeness. Just because it's about getting laid doesn't mean anyone has the right to be a tool.
Puts things in perspective 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Wtf? I can imagine there's a unicorn about to make me a cheese burger but it ain't happening. Cowardly for downvoteing? Have you used the Internet before? How about you just stop cause all your imaginary femanazi downvoteing seem to be getting to you. Also catcalling sucks, especially when your walking with your 10 year old child and a group of dudes decided to tell you how much dick they'd give you.......
Puts things in perspective 20 comments
What grinds my gears 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Breasts aren't indecent. In NY you can be topless. Basically wear what right for the job such as safety gear, but in the end the human body isn't something to be ashamed or scared of, I hope one day people being and wearing or not wearing what they like is the norm.
the last comment! 75 comments
· 9 years ago
Saying something is "normal" makes out that the other is "abnormal" which isn't the case. Your basically making out that your preference is acceptable and what's natural isn't. Also calling some one names babe cause they don't uphold your beauty standards is a bit BS. We live in a society that demeans and degrades women constantly, it's unfair we can't exist in a natural state and not get abused for it, or told we have to change to meet others preferences, even when a lot of the time these preferences are just conditioning. It would just be nice not to be told your hideous or not appealing because we have hair we were born to have.
the last comment! 75 comments
· 9 years ago
Everybody has their preferences, but it's always good to question why we have them, is it conditioning? Social pressure? Or a genuine like? In the end if your truly into someone the physical aspects melt away. Hair is unimportant, a whole heart, a good soul and a strong mind are what stand the test of time.
the last comment! 75 comments
· 9 years ago
Um no it's not normal at all. Women shaving has only really been a part of society for the last 80 years, it's bases on trends and fashion not what you classify as "normal". Calling some one a woodie because the have natural body hair is insulting and childish. In many cultures its perceived as "normal" to have plates in your lips or stones embedded in your back. Just because it's what you "think" is acceptable distant mean it's the norm.
What grinds my gears 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Why not? Again who cares what other people say, if you feel great and want to wear it, wear it. Life's too short to worry about that stuff.
Albino creatures are the best 11 comments
What grinds my gears 24 comments
· 9 years ago
fuck slutty, wear what you like and stuff anyone who tells you your a slut or a prude, if your happy nothing else matters.
Worth a read 158 comments
· 9 years ago
Thanks for the sympathy but not with you on he rest, it is a culture, it's something that is being taught and practiced by generations, it's part of standard practice and language in most societies and unless we treat it as such were never going to shift it. I say this from research, schooling and studies not just hearsay and conjecture. I wish it wasn't true but.......