When things get serious 16 comments
· 9 years ago
My mom just took our crap away so it was basically like being grounded
When things get serious 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Well normally in my house it turns into a standoff because there's no way of knowing who would win, so Mom ends up knowing nothing.
When things get serious 16 comments
· 9 years ago
And you reply with that you'll tell her that bad thing they did in an attempt to blackmail them
Edited 9 years ago
At least things are improving 94 comments
· 9 years ago
Unemployment should be considered as only people who are looking for a job. There are enormous groups of people (children, retired people, disabled people, stay-at-home parents) who neither want or are currently looking for a job. To provide an accurate analysis of true unemployment rates, the current system is much better than the old one. He approved the orders to find Bin Laden, and as Commander-in-chief probably had more to do with the operation than you realize. While gas prices may not have been affected by him, (or any president for that matter, they're affected by the market and supply and demand) gas prices were above 3 dollars in 2007, the year before he took office. Also, even if you don't agree with me, I believe you should say "This crap is ridiculous", rather than "rediculous".
To be honest, Thor is just adorable 42 comments
Well, that was unexpected 15 comments
Well, that was unexpected 15 comments
To be honest, Thor is just adorable 42 comments
· 9 years ago
I still don't know how he made them red, white, and blue at the same time.
To be honest, Thor is just adorable 42 comments
"Heard a really loud boom and then the car died, lightning struck the antenna" 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Inside handles on a lot of cars are metal, and so is most of the car. I've gone through training on this kind of thing, and the safest thing to do is stay in your car, not touch the sides, and call the police or fire department who has tools that can get you out safely.
To be honest, Thor is just adorable 42 comments
"Heard a really loud boom and then the car died, lightning struck the antenna" 20 comments
· 9 years ago
The absolute worst thing to do when lightning strikes your car is to get out. You'll most likely electrocute yourself on the door or the handle.
To be honest, Thor is just adorable 42 comments
To be honest, Thor is just adorable 42 comments
To be honest, Thor is just adorable 42 comments
To be honest, Thor is just adorable 42 comments
· 9 years ago
When he was talking to me, he called it your "little hissy poo whiny moment"
To be honest, Thor is just adorable 42 comments
Anything and everything to save pizza 8 comments
· 9 years ago
He is not only the hero that we deserve, but he is the one we definitely need right now.
To be honest, Thor is just adorable 42 comments