The Lego walk 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I actually find walking on lego soothing... I purposely step on them with no shoes... Am i weird?
Too ffff-ing loud 22 comments
Kids have different problems these days 17 comments
What I am in the process of doing 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I do my homework the way guys fall in love with me
I don't do it...
Edited 10 years ago
I don't do it...
It's beautiful man 17 comments
How to get away with murder: A two-step plan 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh you know the usual going for a nice boat ride maybe even going for walk in the forest
Withabody but thats not relevant
Withabody but thats not relevant
Tum-tards 10 comments
A little thanks 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Dear vagina
Thanks for not giving it away when i'm thinking dirty thoughts
Thanks for not giving it away when i'm thinking dirty thoughts
How to piss people off 101 11 comments
· 10 years ago
SAY THAT WORD AGAIN so she went to jail and met this jail mate and he asked why are you here and she said becuase i asked about a blue feather and he replied oh i know a friend who knows all about the blue feather and he gave her his information and after her jail sentence was done she went to that guy who knows about the blue feather
So she went into his house and he asked why are you here and she said becuase i am here to ask you about the blue feather so he said ooh i know all about that
The blue feather is...
Then he got a heart attack and died
So she went into his house and he asked why are you here and she said becuase i am here to ask you about the blue feather so he said ooh i know all about that
The blue feather is...
Then he got a heart attack and died
How to piss people off 101 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Once there was this girl, one day she heard some kids talking about a blue feather so she asked the teacher i heard some girls talking about a blue feather what does it mean? And the teacher replied GO TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE RIGHT NOW AND NEVER SAY THAT WORD AGAIN
so she went to the principals office and the principal asked her why she was here and she said becuase she asked the teacher what a blue feather means and the principal said YOUNG LADY YOU ARE EXPELLED NEVER SAY THAT WORD IN MY SCHOOL AGAIN GO HOME
so she went home and her parents asked her why she was home so early and she said becuase she asked the teacher what a blue feather means and her parents said YOU ARE TO LEAVE TIS HOUSE RIGHT NOW AND NEVER COME BACK YOU WILL NEVER SAY THAT WORD IN MY HOUSE AGAIN
so she left and fell asleep on a bench a police man woke her up and asked her why are you here so she said becuase i asked the teacher what a blue feather is and the police man replied YOUNG LADY YOU ARE ARRESTED NEVER
Edited 10 years ago
so she went to the principals office and the principal asked her why she was here and she said becuase she asked the teacher what a blue feather means and the principal said YOUNG LADY YOU ARE EXPELLED NEVER SAY THAT WORD IN MY SCHOOL AGAIN GO HOME
so she went home and her parents asked her why she was home so early and she said becuase she asked the teacher what a blue feather means and her parents said YOU ARE TO LEAVE TIS HOUSE RIGHT NOW AND NEVER COME BACK YOU WILL NEVER SAY THAT WORD IN MY HOUSE AGAIN
so she left and fell asleep on a bench a police man woke her up and asked her why are you here so she said becuase i asked the teacher what a blue feather is and the police man replied YOUNG LADY YOU ARE ARRESTED NEVER
Now you know what to do when your favorite character dies. 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Tears also contain urine soooooo maybe wiping all over your face isn't a good idea?
I see what you did there :3 8 comments
How to raise a child like a champion 30 comments
Inspirational Speech 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Another person did it with a flower but when he crumpled it up no one wanted it
Every dog deserves a chance at a happy life 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah thats the joke, because it's so cute that it's a number up
Edited 10 years ago
Every dog deserves a chance at a happy life 10 comments
Soul mates 129 comments
· 10 years ago
I look down at my wrist 0000d 00h 3m 8s there is not much time left, i should do what i always do right? Just act normal do everything i usually do, i walk into my room and sit on my chair, i stare at a blank computer screen. I put my hand over the mouse as i do i see a glimse of my timer 2m 17s left. I open a new tab and type in the address i type in everyday to watch doctor who, the screen is loading. I look again at my timer 1m 28s left, i scroll down the list of episodes, i wonder how i will meet him will he knock on my door or will he jump through the window like a action hero. I click the next episode i haven't watched and click play.
3 seconds left
the video is taking long to load
2 seconds left
Maybe he will jump through the window
1 second left
I close my eyes and hear the familiar sound of the doctor who theme song
0 seconds left i open my eyes and i meet the eyes of...
The doctor
Edited 10 years ago
3 seconds left
the video is taking long to load
2 seconds left
Maybe he will jump through the window
1 second left
I close my eyes and hear the familiar sound of the doctor who theme song
0 seconds left i open my eyes and i meet the eyes of...
The doctor
Bam! Right in the english! 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't make me snap my fingers in a z formation
Hip rotation
Elbow elbow
Wrist wrist
Boy you just got dissed
Hip rotation
Elbow elbow
Wrist wrist
Boy you just got dissed
Pocket penguin 12 comments
· 10 years ago
This helped me, today we had a multiple choice test and i didn't know the answer for a few so i remembered this and picked c for them and actually got them right
Drawing therapy 22 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm not trying to be disrespectful but marker can hurt you too, it goes into your skin and can cause skin cancer, but that is a really beautiful design maybe you should draw on paper instead
Edited 10 years ago