The h 3 comments
· 4 years ago
He left the site due to being unable to post comments anymore or something along those lines. There should be a chat thread about it.
Smol & larg 1 comments
Shanklin old village (isle of wight) 4 comments
The Bikini Bottom Horror 40: Fight-O-Plankton 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Thank you for posting these. I can't wait until the manga is finished for an anime release.
Sign from the past in Ireland 6 comments
· 4 years ago
That's Guilliman he's only a primarch. He's more like a General Patton. The leader of the Imperium of Man is the Emperor who is slowly dying.
Lol PC good console bad 3 comments
Friend Ordered Chicken on Her Pizza in Israel, Got This 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Rony's pizza in Jerusalem is the best pizza I've ever had, and he makes it right there in front of you.
Most games prices 15 comments
Most games prices 15 comments
· 4 years ago
I actually prefer legacy XP. Ultimate could've been the greatest there ever was but Mashed potato Soccer guy didn't want to put in some options to disable the auto short hop attack and the buffering. If they gave some options to remove that it would be great. What would've been best in my opinion would be to have all of their games physics systems as being selectable.
Most games prices 15 comments
· 4 years ago
Nah none of my friends played Diddy or meta knight. There's a reason most tournaments either straight up banned meta knight or diddy or everyone picked one of them. The game was unfairly made, it had a very poor rock-paper-scissors system. If you never approached you were more likely to win. Then the random tripping... Don't worry smash 4 was still worse. Brawl could've been great revamp the combat system a little and remove random tripping and you have a good game.
Most games prices 15 comments
· 4 years ago
Brawl is probably the worst smash game. Not only is there a near complete loss of all the tech skill from melee they added random tripping. Random tripping is single handedly the stupidest game design choice I've ever seen. Brawl isn't all bad though. If you use the project M mod or legacy XP then the game becomes the best of the franchise.
Astartes Part 1: Armored Giants 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Which I'm presuming (hoping) is a sequel of sorts. Though mostly my comment was more so aimed at the guys work because he's doing the hard work Games Workshop won't do.
Edited 4 years ago
Astartes Part 1: Armored Giants 5 comments
· 4 years ago
And part 5 just came out. Time to wait another year for the next iteration...
I AGREE 13 comments
· 4 years ago
Typically online classes are more expensive than in person. So should universities charge more? No. While online classes aren't the greatest they are basically the only feasible alternative for now. Though given that tuition includes stuff such as fitness centers and things of that nature refunds should be addressed in those cases.
Nah man, no college 8 comments
· 5 years ago
That is a common misconception. You CAN be a part time student in graduate school.
I'd love to show sources but urls aren't allowed.
Edited 5 years ago
I'd love to show sources but urls aren't allowed.
Nah man, no college 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Wrong on the graduate portion. My Dad worked on his doctorate part time and in the tech industry it is fairly common for people to work full time, while also working on their graduate degree on the side.
The new king is here! 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Think of each core as a brain and a thread as a train of thought. Each of those brains has two trains of thought. Hence threads = cores*2. With 64 brains and 128 trains of thought you can do a lot of work very quickly. Unfortunately it isn't a directive additive improvement ie brain + brain /= 2 brains more like 1.8 brains.
Jimmy it’s time for a nap, I think 21 comments
· 5 years ago
Better yet make a business model where the employees are allowed to insult you back. Nothing like some friendly banter before a meal.
You won't see 4 comments
· 5 years ago
A good (but long) movie that I recommend that exposes false gospel is called "American Gospel: Christ Alone" it exposes faith healers and the prosperity gospel
Edited for grammar