How come I left this website a year ago and it's still exactly the fucking same?
— i'm back Report User
Landlord finds cat 3 comments
· 9 years ago
why is that the only thing you take out of this
At least have some variety 4 comments
· 9 years ago
It's annoying when people do a page and a half of tumblr. And this is literally one of the biggest phones on the market right now. So if it takes up that much space on a 6plus, that just shows you.
Especially when it's just reposts and reposts
Especially when it's just reposts and reposts
smart 7 comments
· 9 years ago
It would be even better if these could actually create their own money like a mini currency mint. That way the better your score is, the more you'd be helping.
My mom used to play Space Invaders a lot. She would love this.
My mom used to play Space Invaders a lot. She would love this.
blacktext 18 comments
· 9 years ago
This is notalwaysworking.
Notalwaysright is the ones about customers.
NAW is about annoying bosses and coworkers.
Notalwaysright is the ones about customers.
NAW is about annoying bosses and coworkers.
Google's Project Soli Makes Using A Radar-Based Wearable To Control Anything Possible 3 comments
· 9 years ago
And this is why I think Google is basically just going to do what BNL did in WALL•E. take over the world, pollute it, and then eject us into space.
British English vs. American English 21 comments
Today on mind blowing thoughts 21 comments
Today on mind blowing thoughts 21 comments
Incredible 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Its still kind of shallow to say you want to marry a girl simply because she is pretty.
Incredible 17 comments
· 9 years ago
just because her and her dog have two different coloured eyes, she'll be a perfect bride?
Do you realize how shallow you sound?
Edited 9 years ago
Do you realize how shallow you sound?
What kind of cruel, sick joke is this?! 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Seriously, why are you going through all of my post?
You're going to reach the limit. I've posted nearly 500 compared to the 80-comment limit. I highly suggest you stop.
You're going to reach the limit. I've posted nearly 500 compared to the 80-comment limit. I highly suggest you stop.
I still get corrected either way 24 comments