

Call myself Britishclusterfuck because I'm British and I'm a clusterfuck. But you can call me British...or cluster...or fuck whatever you prefer

— britishclusterfuck Report User
We set a heat record here today 6 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
wait whAT
800813 5 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
Dungeons and Doming 4 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
Mirror image 2 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
I tried to read this 6 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
is this what an aneurysm feels like
Now there's a good idea! 2 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
sign me the fuck up!
Gonna do some slapping 8 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
*hits you*
Chineese President bans new Pooh-movie because of memes 3 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
i’ve seen this before and it is still the funniest thing ever
f*cking commie 4 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
guys it’s just a chocolate bar
Very logical choice 19 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
Americans are t r i g g e r e d
It's dad 2 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
always powerful to see son and father reunited Alexa play my heart will go on on max volume
When she's smoking hot, single, 30, no kids or baggage 5 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
every dog is a beautiful dog you take that back right now!
Kinda awkward, kinda not 4 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
aye mate Rome wasn’t built in 5 days, keep going
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Could have done better 2 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
that and some other things
Could have done better 2 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
this is why id be a terrible politician, i suck at debating
Foot long 8 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
he can go scuba diving without the flippers
This rain is unreal 3 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
pennsylvania r u ok?
Weird dreams 14 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
you...i like you...
Do not tell the police or my family 15 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
sign me up.
Not all heroes wear capes 5 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
“When in doubt, whip it out” is a perfect representation of southern England
Accurate 15 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
i like to take my time
Accurate 15 comments
britishclusterfuck · 5 years ago
*Star spangled banner also starts playing, but louder*
Stick figure taking a dump 11 comments
britishclusterfuck · 6 years ago
that’s the real definition of extreme sports
Barack meets Barack 2 comments
britishclusterfuck · 6 years ago
guy in the back only got like one teef tho
Mayonnaise ice cream 10 comments
britishclusterfuck · 6 years ago
what. the fuck.