There seems to be some misunderstanding about this. 34 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree
There seems to be some misunderstanding about this. 34 comments
· 10 years ago
OMG THIS! THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! I'm catholic but I believe in science also, it amazes me! sometimes I feel ashamed about how some religious people say science is bullshit when actually, it represents the history of what we were, we are and what we will become. Thank you for posting this countrygirl <3
Can't we just get over it? 22 comments
· 10 years ago
What if the one you're attracted to likes someone totally different than you (a skinny girl) and calls you fat/whale/walrus?
Pinches profesores jajaja 10 comments
· 10 years ago
My native language is Spanish also, I said that because of the word "pinche" which is unusual to us, but common in Mexico.
Pinches profesores jajaja 10 comments
Why Disney ? 8 comments
That assh*le 14 comments
Just an upside down hamster 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I once was singing that song and instead of saying popcorn i said cocporn lol
Always take every safety measure 10 comments
Now I can't stop thinking about it. 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Exactly! I know this because I had a bad experience when I was on the 8th grade.
I had a crush on this popular boy (me being not popular/I never talked to him) and once I sat in front of him and had a mirror. So I decided "Why not check him out and pretend I'm just admiring my face?". So he realised what I was doing and asked me "Are you checking me out?" And since then I am more careful with the way I stalk the people I like.
I had a crush on this popular boy (me being not popular/I never talked to him) and once I sat in front of him and had a mirror. So I decided "Why not check him out and pretend I'm just admiring my face?". So he realised what I was doing and asked me "Are you checking me out?" And since then I am more careful with the way I stalk the people I like.
Cosplay really isn't for everyone! 25 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah! The only thing missing is the gold paint. But I find it very nice. It is hard to work with cardboard, so, that is basically a masterpiece
Voices of the Lego Movie 24 comments
Who wore it better? 14 comments
· 11 years ago
OMG!!! I wish I had a daughter!! this would make a BEAUTIFUL halloween costume!! She looks SO CUTE!
I know this is in Spanish, but the world needs to know what's happening in here 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Please explain why are you reacting like that. I mean, a tragedy like this shouldn't be satisfaction for anyone. Why do you act so happy about it?
Solidarity with Venezuela 13 comments
I know this is in Spanish, but the world needs to know what's happening in here 18 comments
· 11 years ago
on the last part of the video, there's a policeman ordering the rest of the policemen to sit down and listen to what the people want to say.
I thought I could share this with y'all. #PrayForVenezuela
I thought I could share this with y'all. #PrayForVenezuela
I know this is in Spanish, but the world needs to know what's happening in here 18 comments
· 11 years ago
On 2013, we had presidential elections, the winner was Nicolas Maduro. Member of the same party of Hugo Chavez. Many people say Henrique Capriles (opposition party) was the one who won.
The "chavistas" (the ones that support Chavez) are the majority on the National Assembly, so everything Chavez or Maduro wanted to do, was done.
On december 2013, Maduro was mad because of the high prices on Daka (Electronic's Store) and ordered to the people to leave nothing in that store, this desition caused that every Daka store became empty.
Not only Daka, but many stores owned by Arabs or electronic stores were looted.
On 2014, the opposition planned a peaceful protest to demand a better quality of life. So the government decided to attack against them. They sent policemen to shoot pellets to the ones protesting.
But some policemen not only shot those, but also punched and kicked the people.
They have killed 2 priests, and 3 students.
Edited 11 years ago
The "chavistas" (the ones that support Chavez) are the majority on the National Assembly, so everything Chavez or Maduro wanted to do, was done.
On december 2013, Maduro was mad because of the high prices on Daka (Electronic's Store) and ordered to the people to leave nothing in that store, this desition caused that every Daka store became empty.
Not only Daka, but many stores owned by Arabs or electronic stores were looted.
On 2014, the opposition planned a peaceful protest to demand a better quality of life. So the government decided to attack against them. They sent policemen to shoot pellets to the ones protesting.
But some policemen not only shot those, but also punched and kicked the people.
They have killed 2 priests, and 3 students.
Relationship status 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Relationship Status: Mentally dating Leo Valdez (The Heroes of Olympus-->Percy Jackson books)
Anybody have uncommon names out there? 206 comments