I am so sleepy 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Stealing this.
Machete for president 3 comments
We should totally ban this gas. #BanOxygen 11 comments
· 8 years ago
That moment when your sarcasm is so advanced that people thibk you're stupid...
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
· 8 years ago
Because a large cross-section of people who support him are from a generation that doesn't tend to frequent social media as much as those who don't support him. Also, the very things that a normal human being would consider negative are precisely the things that make inbred rednecks in their torn-sleeve tees with trucker hats and not the right amount of teeth support him. There is a large percentage of very deranged, proudly ignorant, racist (to the point of pro-slavery) scum in this country...
Edited 8 years ago
Wonderful 11 comments
· 8 years ago
This is a nightmare incarnate for people like me. I can only imagine the horror of stepping out w/ wet feet and getting garden gunk stuck on them. I'm more frightened of stuff getting on my wet feet than of spiders
Shirts, sweaters... Anything 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Truth...but only if it's a long-sleeved shirt to begin with. Puh-LEEZ don't do the roll tee sleeves up to make arms look buffer thing...ugh.
Also, mustaches make you 50% creepier and beards 50% sexier...this is science.
But all that aside, if the guy has a great personality and carries a conversation, any and all physical "requirements" are null and void, at least for me.
I will take the less-than-Harliquin romance novel-hot guy with a sweet spirit and smarts over the hot-but-marginally-douchy guy any day of the week...in my experience, the sweet ones are better in bed too. Eye candy only goes so far.
Also, mustaches make you 50% creepier and beards 50% sexier...this is science.
But all that aside, if the guy has a great personality and carries a conversation, any and all physical "requirements" are null and void, at least for me.
I will take the less-than-Harliquin romance novel-hot guy with a sweet spirit and smarts over the hot-but-marginally-douchy guy any day of the week...in my experience, the sweet ones are better in bed too. Eye candy only goes so far.
tru 16 comments
· 8 years ago
DEMOCRATIC socialism, people. I know that distinction gets made and remade in the news but it bears mentioning. Now, I don't know if I will vote for Bernie or not so I'm not a blind follower by any means. That being said, those who are diametrically opposed to his suggestions for a democratic socialist policy should look for a better argument than "it's not capitalism". Capitalism, in the sense of laissez-faire business model, won't be affected by this policy. In other words, American entrepreneurs will still be able to take advantage of a capitalistic financial environment. The only thing that will change is what the taxes WE ALREADY PAY are used for. This model is used with huge success in European countries that have better economies/schools/employment benefits and happier citizens than the US average.
Awesome 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Did we know this was actually a thing back in the 40's/50's? My dad just told me after watching an old Cary Grant flick (Bachelor and the Bobby-soxer) that also uses it...and here I thought our generation came up with that nugget of wit...
#i do want it 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh I shipped the second he removed his mask when Rey's captured...but I think they're probably sibs too...so I guess that makes me kinky...
True dat 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Beyond true...and as far as what else to look for in a spouse, there are a lot of important factors but sex is 80%...at least for me
Edited 8 years ago
So Frozen Was The First One You Say? 14 comments
· 8 years ago
And are we forgetting Merida in Brave?? I mean the whole premise in the movie was woven around her, a skillful archer no less, blatantly refusing to be married and then around how her mother and she saved the kingdom, restored unity between the clans, and brought it out of the dark ages (so to speak, hehe) of betrothal based alliances, all while learning to love and respect each other more. The only males that weren't essentially bit parts were Merida's father, brothers, and Mor'du. King Angus clearly acquiesced to his wife continually, even provoking shocked/scornful reactions from the other lords when the queen took over the announcement due to his lamentable public speaking skill. The brothers worked together to help save their mother under Merida's direct supervision. And Mor'du was killed by the queen, liberating the prince's soul from his body.
It's like Pixar was screaming "Look at our blinking neon sign! It says that a girl can be a princess and still be a tomboy!"
Edited 8 years ago
It's like Pixar was screaming "Look at our blinking neon sign! It says that a girl can be a princess and still be a tomboy!"
one bad @ss mule 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Fact: mules, being a cross between burros and horses, get this bad-assery from their itty-bitty burro ancestors who are well-known for beating the shit out of predatory animals...one reason why burros or mules were the prefered method of transport over horses during goldrushes etc in mountainous terrain.
For instance, horses generally tend to freak out in the presence of a snake, poisonous or not; a burro will skillfully snap its neck without getting bit by grabbing its tail and whiplashing it similar to what this mule did here. In fact, many snakes (i.e. rattlers) react as though burros were their predator and avoid them like the plague.
For instance, horses generally tend to freak out in the presence of a snake, poisonous or not; a burro will skillfully snap its neck without getting bit by grabbing its tail and whiplashing it similar to what this mule did here. In fact, many snakes (i.e. rattlers) react as though burros were their predator and avoid them like the plague.