Mrpigeonwizard is forklift certified, ladies 5 comments
· 2 years ago
Don't crowd the podium, I am as well
I like how people can read and do basic math 3 comments
In a nutshell 2 comments
society 4 comments
· 2 years ago
I know a lot of married men who live through the power of their wives - I own a TV, but not the remote; we'll spend 3 hours trying to figure out supper - until she finally decides. I so love spending 4 hours in Macy's and Northstrum's garment sections as the bag servant - oh that's a nice dusty rose shaw hun... You aren't talking the common people there, ya know.
Ugh .. I was born in the wrong eon 2 comments
· 2 years ago
does anyone realize the astronomically insane probability that from nothing more than air, wind, water, and rock, comes sentience? Then we discover DNA - an actual blueprint to creation - believe what you will...
Truly a tragic event 3 comments
· 2 years ago
It's always funny to watch a show about 'smart' people when the writers aren't as smart as they try to portray. Doogie Howser reboot
Everyone has their own flood myth 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Well, obviously, When Noah and his brood repopulated the wet Earth - all their progeny shared the same history
If you're a ghost without a haunt, my Ouija Board is open for you 3 comments
· 2 years ago
In our history, billions upon billions of people have died, yet all I ever hear of ghosts is some 1700's little french girl haunting some old habit, that's been heard and never seen. You would think of all of the tragedies in our history you would sight a few million moaning spirits that missed their train to paradise. Yet, crickets.
Potatoes! 21 comments
Why it gets quiet when it snows 11 comments
· 3 years ago
What? The physical characteristic of the snowflakes shape creates a completely irregular surface, similar to acoustic paneling, so likewise, sound gets 'absorbed' - is the actual reason. Physics...
Your favourite song is 25 years old 13 comments
You can nibble on Chris Hemsworth's sausage 7 comments
English alternating stress patterns for nouns vs verbs 2 comments
· 3 years ago
It was either that, or make the language gender specific like most European languages are.
I draw comics about my life :D 3 comments