

— bugout Report User
Brief like uninvited 5 comments
bugout · 2 weeks ago
The only jurisdiction that makes sense 1 comments
bugout · 2 weeks ago
Martian, not martial. Consonants matter.
Bite-sized heartbreaking earthy 3 comments
bugout · 2 weeks ago
F*ck this shit - I'm out of here.
The tree of life 2 comments
bugout · 2 weeks ago
Where's the vorpal bunny??? We need the Holy Hand Grenade.
Migga please 3 comments
bugout · 3 weeks ago
I was taught to touch type on a non-electronic typewriter. I never look at the keys.
Elegant Chamois 1 comments
bugout · 4 weeks ago
Australian here. Not only is he believed to have drowned but a major swimming centre is named after him. Harold Holt Swim Centre, Glen Innes Victoria.
Impressive 1 comments
bugout · 4 weeks ago
I watched Leon the Professional just last night. (2nd line, right end). Love Gary Oldman.
Taken by my brother in law at our hummingbird feeder. I thought it deserved to be seen 1 comments
bugout · 4 weeks ago
It definitely does deserve to be seen. Lovely.
Care 4 comments
bugout · 19 weeks ago
That works too.
Ugh, I can't even .. 3 comments
bugout · 19 weeks ago
Before was was was, was was is.
Care 4 comments
bugout · 20 weeks ago
If you don't have kids, put the extra money you are rolling in aside and pay for someone to look after you. At least they'll want to be there.
Look on the bright side 1 comments
bugout · 22 weeks ago
For those who don't get the joke, this man's name is Eric Idle.
Big borger 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
The sign that your education system failed you.
Mushrooms aren't even any good 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Every mushroom is edible, some of them only once (Terry Pratchett)
Our land innit? 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Actually, they called the land "empty" and classified the existing human population as part of the flora and fauna of the country. This didn't change until 1967.
Underrated af 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
For some reason this made me think of Terry Pratchett
I'll go first: Hello your computer has virus 3 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Life goals! 3 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Although I agree with the sentiment, I can't help but remember the massive increase in domestic violence incidents.
Why are old spice ads so strange though 4 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
"I'm on a horse".
Why are old spice ads so strange though 4 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Discworld, but that was my first thought as well.
Nevermind 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
I can't quite make out the top line, "against the color ..." Help!
What did they mean by this? 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
But also remember that Hitler turned into a very serious German villain after failing art school
That's How Coo Do 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
This took me waaaaay too long to get. I had to read it out loud. I'm so tired lol.
Y tho 3 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Sooo - she lied and wonders why he believed her lie?