

— bugout Report User
Therapysub 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
As a therapist, can confirm.
Yes plz 8 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
42 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Or maybe he was just a Douglas Adams fan
eagle 4 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Know the signs 3 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Granny Weatherwax: "Evil starts when you begin to treat people as things"
They're doing their best 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
What you got against short people???
Chad H2O 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
fatal when inhaled
Didn't know biologists had hierarchy. 6 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
It's already the 11th of October here in Australia, so which time zone are you talking about?
Would you watch it 4 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
There are albino Africans. I saw some in Kenya. They have African hair and bone structure. This guy is not one.
luve 4 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
A measure of weight, not an activity.
One of my recent drawing made with ink pens and watercolors, called "Demon of 7 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Solipsism definition ... The theory that the self can be aware of nothing but its own experiences and states
How's the strawberry tart? 4 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Somebody with waaayyy too much time on their hands has been binging Monty Python
Works every time 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
For those who need to know, its Cheese Omlette, which is plenty flirtatious for me.
Cat 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
He would be a she, coz there are no male tortoiseshell cats (except for the very rare but sterile ones).
With all due respect 2 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
It's right up there with the phrase "As well as cac be expected".
That one dilbert episode 24 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
Here in Australia you usually get a minimum of 20 working days (4 weeks) annual leave and you can generally negotiate with your place of work if you want to bank one year's worth. Generally most places don't like to have to back fill your position for more than a month and a half (6 weeks).
Wtf? 6 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
Sorry Iccarus and CDB, I'm an older Australian and I've heard this since I was a kid.
What a Strange Quote 6 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
Live long and prosper
My local Burger King the other night 2 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
if you pay and appreciate your staff, amazing things happen to morale,
Technically no but whatever 1 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
Seriously vegans, it hasn't been fertilized! It's not going to hatch. Ever. Birds lay eggs even when they haven't so much as met a male bird.
Four cats 4 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
Found you, camo cat
Now you know 1 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
Wow, that's amazing. I'll add it to my list of completely useless information to spice up paused conversation
Ooh pretty world view! 8 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
The Great A'Tuin, the World Turtle, of the species Chelys galactica, was the gigantic turtle upon whose back stood the 4 great elephants, and on those backs the Discworld was carried through space.
So a regular library basically 7 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
So a regular library basically 7 comments
bugout · 2 years ago
And the librarian is an orangutan.