

— bugout Report User
Based 3 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
So is arsenic
Farsi calligraphy 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Can anyone tell me what it says?
Thanks NPS 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Yes plz 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Me, me,me!!!
Doing me a frighten lady 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Zena Warrior Princess
Never forget the animals 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Of the 136000 sent from Australia, only 1 came back.
Abtholute beatht 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
His hair migrated south
Make it pg please, were both underage 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Are you a library book? Coz I'm checking you out! (Female here, not mine, but would work on me :))
What would you call 6 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Tom Cruise training for Top Gun 1986 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
"Highway to the danger zone" is literally playing on my office radio right now
I drew this but now I don't know how to name it help 3 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
I only have eyes for you
Not as horrible as it appears 3 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Totally same!!
Name this band 5 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Kirk and the Kooks
FUTURE 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Mumble mumble, history, mumble, doomed to repeat...
Moist 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Died in a Rolls Royce having over eaten again. The only way I know how to spell it.
Could I please have a word with those who claim 'size matters'? 5 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
The larger one can also be used to hit stupid people on the head.
What is the world coming to 1 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
I noped out when I was talking to someone who didn't know vinyl records had 2 sides and played from the outside edge in.
Oh bother 7 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Lol I guessed right then. Thanks
Oh bother 7 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
My first guess is use the knife to kill one of the people. 2 apples, 2 people, 1 knife stroke.
Oh bother 7 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Sadly, I have to ask... What is the London Solution?
Life hack! 2 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
What a brilliant idea
If you know you know 5 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Vorpal bunny!
Texas really is huge eh 8 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
Australian here, at a loss for words.
The true intellectuals 5 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
I'm 'strayan. I read upside down fluently
Every museum in Europe and North America be like 14 comments
bugout · 1 year ago
There's now an entire TV series (Netflix I think) called "Stuff the British Stole"