

Hi! My name is Ethyn, and I'm a Nerd.
BurningWater Report User
Confusing little shit 3 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
My girlfriends life summed up.
That's right! 10 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
What else are we gonna do with 'em? Use them for fire wood?
That's right! 10 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
I don't like the term "Feminazi." At least the Nazis actually accomplished something. A bad something, yes, but a something nonetheless.
Just a normal day 30 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
I don't know if you know this, but, you seem to have a Tomohawk lodged into your keyboard...
Real advice 9 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
In 1965, the U.S. mint created 2.5 billion quarters, I don't remember the reason, but it made pre 1965 quarters a lot rarer, thus increasing their value.
netflix and chill ;) 5 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
Did you just.
How to deal with stupid people 7 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
"Baptism of Stupid."
· Edited 9 years ago
I feel so ashamed 5 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
"Do not make decisions whilst angry, nor make promises whilst happy."
I feel so ashamed 5 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
Are we just gonna ignore the fact that that spider killed a mouse? Like, what?
There is nothing more infuriating 38 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
"Do you have the strength to rule? The faith to destroy? DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO DEFEAT THANOS?!" -Thanos boss fight, Marvel Contest Of Champions.
What happened? Just, why? 82 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
If the TTG writers would put half as much effort into writing an actual plot as they do making cameos, it would be a good show.
Turtles 3 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
This whole time I pictured the girls as these 2 girls at my school who love TMNT. The funny thing is, they're both like crazy popular, and no one cares that they like TMNT, but as soon as I wear a Star Wars T-Shirt, I'm being called a loser every time I turn around.
Only assholes insult their kids (reupload) 14 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
When I was younger, my dad would alway find a way to insult me about something. That's why I have so many types of anxiety now.
Quite possibly the dad of the year 11 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
Guests really shouldn't be able to comment...
Weather between two windows 8 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
You have a Ben 10 sticker book.
Marching band is my life now. At least for one more month. 31 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
He looks like Kellin Quinn.
Shiver me timbers 25 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
Is the "Onii-chan" one from what I think it's from?
Damn gay 11 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
Whale then...
Well that's Patrick for you guys 2 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
Says the guy whose username is "burningbabycorpse." Lol.
*snaps my fingers in a Z formation* 5 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
Anytime, Taeminnieah!
When I am going to cinema 13 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
My dad would hide boxes of candy up his sleeves when we would go and he'd sling them out like hidden blades from Assassin's Creed once we got into the theater.
Bad shit right there 6 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
One time when I was like 8, my dad was making pasta for dinner and he spilled a pot of boiling water-noodles all down his front and he's just completely silent for a solid 10 seconds. I say, "Dad? Are you okay?" And he just sighs and says, "Son of a biscuit eater." Really quietly. Then he starts walking towards the garage with the boiling water and wet noodles still on him and I say, "Dad? Where are you going?" And he said, "I'm going to the garage." And then he enters the garage, and it's a good 2 or 3 seconds before we hear a muffled "F**K!"
7 · Edited 9 years ago
The awesome lucille ball 10 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
Donna Reed Show is better. *Rolls off into the sunset*
*snaps my fingers in a Z formation* 5 comments
burningwater · 9 years ago
You spend your life traveling the world. Scouring the globe for that one Coke can. You spend your life searching for that can, without a single lead as to its whereabouts. You, old in age now, (bur still athletic as ever,) are about to give up. You tell your exploration crew (named The Cokesplorers) to get back aboard the ship, you're going home. Then, as you're setting sail from the docks of a Moroccan port, you see an African Warlord with an AK-47 sling over his shoulder. He's sipping a Coke. You see your name glistening on the side of the can, glistening in the African Sun. You unsheath your Katana. "We're going back, boys!" You shout. You hop overboard, onto the Moroccan soil. You run to the Warlord, snatch the can from him, and run back to your ship, dodging AK-47 fire. You've found the can. You shed a single tear. You can die in peace now.