

Where do I find all the memes and why don't I have a life

— Cake Report User
title 1 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
That looks like a Russian-designed carrier
I know that the Indians buy a lot of military hardware from the Russians
So it's certainly possible
Dixie 1 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
This is one of the best things I have seen in a long time
Seizing second chances 14 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
A true bro moment 2 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
Sounds like communist propaganda but okay
Sheep's wool that hasn't been sheared in six years 2 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
Isn't this really unhealthy for them?
Good, keep them on their toes 7 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
It's a character study of the highest order
If you watch it several times, you can see that it highlights the prejudices and immaturities of an English "gentleman"
It wasn't by choice 10 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
I love cake and need friends
Was lining up to checkout and realise how this is gonna look 3 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
I see nothing wrong here
F r e e C u d d l e s 30 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
Count me in bro
No homo
Know your place trash 5 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
You racist
Cont. in the comments 4 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
Quite possibly
One of the themes of jokers across films is mental illness (or the appearance of mental illness) so your mind may be detecting and processing the concept of mental illness, both in yourself and others
Burn the books! 6 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
Imagine believing that a carbon tax is the best way of dealing with climate change
Polarization 32 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
Well said, old chap
Mamma help. 1 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
I felt about two foot tall when I got up late and asked my mother for a lift to college or work
Let us all drink ale for the glory of Odin 14 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
It kind of irritates me when people call religion "fairy tales"
As if all religions are the same, and produce the same cultures
Cuurenr State of Politics 18 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
I feel that "bigot" is so overused that it's lost its meaning
At least for me, anyway
Let us all drink ale for the glory of Odin 14 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
When you're a weeabo 3 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
Elizabeth Warren comes to mind
Polarization 32 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
Why do women dominate (in terms of numbers) the healthcare industry?
Are men more likely to avoid healthcare or is it harder for them to win? Is it an equal opportunity (as a hypothetical) if boys are told in early life that they aren’t as qualified as the girls to be in the healthcare industry?
Polarization 32 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
What do you mean by equality?
Equality of opportunity?
Or equality of outcome?
Because they are not the same thing
It do be like that 1 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
Well he has some competition from the geniuses at VW and Bugatti
Had a great time in Pisa 12 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
What a moron
That's Moscow
Made in germany 13 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
If only the rest of Germany was as late as @mialinay to this comment section we wouldn't have had to fight two world wars....
This would be a great solution 4 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
Serious question
As long as humans survive, why save the planet apart from sentimental reasons?
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
cakelover · 4 years ago
@scatmandingo the motivation for my comment was a sense of balance, and perhaps defence of capitalism as a concept
It seems that this meme and perhaps @anthracite 's comment were anti-capitalist in sentiment
BTW I wasn't actually defending the wealthy, technically
Most people do not understand that the standard of living is increasing at an incredible rate
Especially in so-called third world countries
According to a report by the World Bank, over the last 25 years, over a billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty