

Where do I find all the memes and why don't I have a life

— Cake Report User
Fick die Engländer 5 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
The point still stands though
He will never notice 6 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
I'll get myself out
To le DuckDuckGo
He will never notice 6 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Actually the frigate might be German
Help me out
He will never notice 6 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
An American drink, a Russian helicopter, a Dutch frigate, and an Italian supercar
...all walk into a bar
Fick die Engländer 5 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
4 horrible people on twitter don't necessarily represent "society"
Emotional Support Bee 13 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Emotional Support Bee
Faster Bezos, faster 2 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
I wonder if she'll penetrate the uh, atmosphere
He could save others.... 134 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
I'm none of these because I don't sleep 11 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Follow me for more inspirational quotes 15 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
So you just see me as a piece of arse huh
Follow me for more inspirational quotes 15 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
I'm up and down and side to side
What is the point of this experiment?
Follow me for more inspirational quotes 15 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
You seem awfully certain that purplepumpkin will consent
If she does, I'm down
Follow me for more inspirational quotes 15 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
There was this one time that involved a lot of olive oil
What are you suggesting now?
Follow me for more inspirational quotes 15 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
*quickly puts down the hyena*
Sure, what's up?
Why is he alive? Why? 3 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Seems inappropriate to want someone to die
Don’t forget it! 16 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
I learned what it is from memes about Phineas and Ferb
Mythology around the world: and then there was this asshole 4 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Tumblr is slowly working towards the concept of the archetype
He could save others.... 134 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
I am summoned
Pizza sauce is salad. Corned Beef is fish. 4 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Imagine thinking it's okay to put taxes on food
Can’t remember where I found this 2 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Dang, some scientists be having a complex
It’s time to put on music 3 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
It's time to start the fight
I wish Jesus gave me a cool nickname 4 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
I'm pleased you noticed
Daily dose of history, part 75 11 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
According to many reports, Coca-Cola had been available in France since 1919. The photos show the start of a brand new big marketing campaign in France in 1950. Coca-Cola drove around France handing out free bottles and LIFE magazine photographer Mark was there to photograph the reactions. some of the pictures show French people trying the drink for the first time
All my homies h8 wasps 4 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
They have their place in the ecosystem
Lets do this 4 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Look at the size of that potato