

Where do I find all the memes and why don't I have a life

— Cake Report User
It's like trying to pick a favorite child, okay!? 8 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
You have children?
Seeing your carry-gun in media 15 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
I keep my guns on me at all times
The American People Cannot be Trusted with Assault Weapons 42 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
It is frustrating to see photos of some random goat herder holding an M4 and kitted out in Multicam when I'm not allowed a locking knife lol
Rule34 is going places 5 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Can you enlighten us, great scholar?
Don’t you want to know the truth? 11 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
It is quite annoying when people take a highly complex issue like many different vaccines, viruses, and environmental conditions and boil it down to a glib soundbite like "Vaccines are safe"
Carl Jung said "Most people don't have ideas. Ideas have people"
2 · Edited 3 years ago
Don’t you want to know the truth? 11 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Most traditional "inactive pathogen" vaccines have years of data behind them, and generally they're safe - although do your own research as there are exceptions
Covid vaccines (the majority at least) are mRNA based, and there's no long-term data for their use
This doesn't mean they are safe or unsafe
It simply means we don't know the long-term results of using them
3 · Edited 3 years ago
Nice 4 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Chocolate. Don’t mess with me 13 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Come on man! Here's the deal....
I know yall pickin' the tiny tiny one 16 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
If you have a big enough bag there won't be a second time
I know yall pickin' the tiny tiny one 16 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
(You're paying, right?)
I know yall pickin' the tiny tiny one 16 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Fair play
We did it boys, Corona is no more! 2 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Not if you're graduating from Harvard lol
I know yall pickin' the tiny tiny one 16 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Ya reckon
Bad art time: Borb 5 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
This is cool
I know yall pickin' the tiny tiny one 16 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Number 4 is spicy ice
Controversial meme 2 5 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Eh, there's a difference between something you can leave in a certain location and something surgically implanted in your body
Vacation? 4 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Obligatory @grimreaper tag
Nom-nom 5 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
No, you're the best
Anti h*rny breathing 11th form 6 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
This is SubRedditSubstance apparently
2 · Edited 3 years ago
Solar powered 4 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
They're gorgeous
What are they called?
Hey guys! I heard that there's oil in the comment section!! 12 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
Am I an honorary American or something?
Work > Fun 3 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago
I'll take the white pill please
I mean… I wouldn’t complain 57 comments
cakelover · 3 years ago