

Where do I find all the memes and why don't I have a life

— Cake Report User
Seriously when was the last good content? (expect for Morbius of course) 4 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
The Boys is mostly good
There are one or two heavy-handed political moments, but for the most part it makes fun of all sides, which is how it should be
A double rainbow in fact 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
A watermark
The day had to come eventually. RIP 5 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
London Bridge is down
Parcel for number 120 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
No thanks, I've already got it
Southpark just can't be a parody anymore 7 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
This is the logical consequence of the notion that "a woman is anyone who says they're a woman", which sadly is deeply misogynistic
Thankfully people are pushing back, and for the most part, women's sports will feature only women
2 · Edited 1 year ago
most difficult character: 'biáng' - a noodle dish 6 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
You're looking like a dish
Words might be violence tho 5 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Thoughts and prayers, man
5 · Edited 1 year ago
Rawr! 11 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Housing, like any good or service, is worth as much as two parties consensually agree
Anything else must be backed up by force, at the point of a gun, in the final sense
There is always the argument that me owning the house in the first place is theft, no matter how hard I scrimped and saved for years to be able to buy it
History moment 6 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
She was also diagnosed with schizophrenia, sadly
He will hop 4 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
He's waiting for Wednesday, my dudes
No one would lie on the internet 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Dang, it's 2009 again folks
We didn't start 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
They say that it's always been burning since the world's been turning
I cackled 4 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
"You cannot invade America. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."
Creativity 100 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
I think it saves on brainpower so you have more energy to think about important things like making memes
If you meet one arsehole, you met an arsenal.... 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Ducking autoerect
Lol 7 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
@party05 yes, it's from a satire site
On the freeway doing 0mph 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
And in "Park"
Took me a moment 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
The symbol for gold is Au
I want u
Virginity 4 lyfe 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Olive oil for me
Dammit guyd 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
How do u think they do it brehs 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Damn, if only there was some way to ensure that inflation would remain low or non-existent
Guess it's a mystery
Two different fillosuffees 6 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Bush did 9/11
· Edited 1 year ago
Sword and bepsi 11 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Sword and bepsi 11 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
This scandal sucked 8 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago