

Where do I find all the memes and why don't I have a life

— Cake Report User
For brainyrs 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
There are people who literally believe it's impossible to be racist against white people
Don't say it guys 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
That's ruff, buddy 5 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
This kind of meme always makes me paws for a second
Papa moose 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Rest for a bit 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Thanks, comrade
Come see the violet inherent in the system 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Not sure what Violet is doing there but good luck to her either way
Flexin', flexin', try to exercise 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
6kg is way better than 0kg
Who are (((they)))? 33 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Sadly some people still haven't learnt to to treat people as individuals, without regard to race or colour
Plato writes his Symposium 6 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
I've never jumped off a cliff, but I'm reasonably confident I wouldn't enjoy it
You're acting rather suspicious Potter 4 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
To boldly go where no penis has gone before
Greentext by an AI. Now people on 4chan have to get jobs 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Every time I see this it's so bloody funny
Those are rookie numbers 5 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
You sound delicious
If you know all these people, go and touch grass 6 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Wrath is Sam Hyde
Rings of Power PR team/"critics" be like 4 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
I believe the former
It seems to be making fun of the writers who take way too much "artistic license" with the universe that Tolkien created
No U! 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Neither agree nor disagree
He he he 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Mesopotamia's best lmao
Wait what? 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
I hear the syphilis are beautiful this time of year
This 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Duck with the demon core
*swipes right* 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
@title :P
Based 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Smart comic, neatly and concisely demonstrating the naturalistic fallacy
According to one website, "The Naturalistic Fallacy states that because something is 'natural' it is therefore valid, justified, inevitable, good or ideal. This fallacy occurs when the conclusion expresses what ought to be based only on its naturalness."
3 · Edited 1 year ago
Unfff 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Dave's not here man 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
For now