

Where do I find all the memes and why don't I have a life

— Cake Report User
Have an ancient meme 3 comments
cakelover · 45 weeks ago
I miss you
Solid Scorpion 1 comments
cakelover · 45 weeks ago
"Does anyone see what's wrong with this picture? Anyone at all?"
My wife wanted me to post this pic of her strawberry 2 comments
cakelover · 45 weeks ago
Vee have to zee speek deutch naw! 1 comments
cakelover · 46 weeks ago
As a wise man once said "There are no solutions, only trade-offs"
Kind of screwed myself there 1 comments
cakelover · 46 weeks ago
Seems like a W
Impawtant information 3 comments
cakelover · 46 weeks ago
Yes but where
Well? 2 comments
cakelover · 50 weeks ago
Now you know 3 comments
cakelover · 51 weeks ago
Many people have fallen for this propaganda. They do not know that virtually every civilisation in history has practiced slavery, including today - mostly in Middle Eastern nations. But because those nations are not primarily Christian/white/European etc almost nobody cares. Approximately 2000 Royal Navy sailors died in the 1800s in the process of trying to end the slave trade around the world, and Britain used around 1% of its GDP (and it was the largest economy in the world at the time) to fight against the trade
Australia 2023 4 comments
cakelover · 51 weeks ago
Are you on the right?
Gibraltar be like 2 comments
cakelover · 51 weeks ago
Correct. This is propaganda/a shitpost
1 · Edited 51 weeks ago
I’m actually pretty impressed 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Deus Volt
It's like throwing a hotdogs down a hall way 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
He nutted and then bolted. Otherwise known as a "slam and scram"
Need help identifying this type of dinosaur 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
The Biggus Dickosaurus
Affirmative action 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Lmao rough justice is sometimes the best justice
Not so much a competition as it is a race 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Trudeau is the best
Now you know 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
There are 4 jet fighters flying right to left in the centre of the image
hoe 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Insults per second are through the roof 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
The producers of the show knew what they were doing with that title
Looks like someone found love while writing a book 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
You love to see it
I'm sorry, but what? I don't really get it 3 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
For anyone who doesn't know, if he fires that weapon the bolt will cycle and he'll probably lose his left thumb or at least have it seriously injured
His thumb is literally on the charging handle
Brofist his *ss 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
If someone is actively striving to be better, always encourage them
Yeah, what's up with that? 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
To quote a wise man, "The battle will be won when the average American views corporate journalists the same way they view tobacco executives."
Nothing happened in Nanjing 1 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
I like dark humour but this is vantablack level
Dozing off 2 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things
Yeah, basically 18 comments
cakelover · 1 year ago
"I really wish my gender clinic had given me "conversion therapy." If they had actually taken the time to question and challenge me back then, maybe I wouldn't have to live the rest of my life as I am: a young woman with a beard, massive chest scars and bladder problems."
Sinead Watson, lady who went through FtM transition then reverted