

Where do I find all the memes and why don't I have a life
Cake Report User

Hidden cos mildly political Hidden

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I'm not controversial: your mum is

I'm not controversial: your mum is

The cure for insomnia

The cure for insomnia

King Solomon's mine of wisdom

King Solomon's mine of wisdom

Tom Waits waits with the weight of tom-toms around his waist

Tom Waits waits with the weight of tom-toms around his waist

Tis a big ol' place

Tis a big ol' place

It is less "What is right?", and more "Who gets to decide what is right?"

It is less "What is right?", and more "Who gets to decide what is right?"

Crab rave

Crab rave

Their engine licence expired

Their engine licence expired

Depth psychology: diving into your mother

Depth psychology: diving into your mother