I laugh at my own jokes more than I probably should.
— Laura Report User
It just doesn't 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Me neither.
share the love (sorry for the long post) 21 comments
RIP To the 50 victims of the Orlando shooting... 33 comments
RIP To the 50 victims of the Orlando shooting... 33 comments
· 8 years ago
49 people were killed because they were gay and you think I'm overdramatizing things? No.
RIP To the 50 victims of the Orlando shooting... 33 comments
· 8 years ago
You're an idiot if you deny that this was an attack specifically against gay people.
RIP To the 50 victims of the Orlando shooting... 33 comments
· 8 years ago
(Cont...) You do not get to tell people how long it is acceptable for them to mourn. The LGBT+ community is tired of our people being killed and tired of no one doing anything about it other than erase it. If we want to be angry about it, we fucking will. Things don't change when you "just move on" and things need to fucking change. So I don't care if you think it's unnecessary, we will keep bringing it up, we won't let you forget about it until something fucking changes.
RIP To the 50 victims of the Orlando shooting... 33 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm so sorry, I didn't realize a few gay people not getting shit for expressing their love overrode all of those that are harassed and killed for it.
I did not say we are the only group facing persecution. No shit, we're not. But that does not mean you take away from the fact that it *was* us that were attacked this time. Because it was.
Are you fucking kidding me? You think I can't complain or talk about politicians trying to take the right to marry, adopt kids, or use the fucking bathroom, etc. away from people like me? Just because gay people want the right to get married where they want? They should absolutely be able to marry in a place of worship specific to their religion. Just because they're gay doesn't mean they aren't religious or don't deserve the same religious rights as everyone else. Other people getting married in your temples is not infringing on *your* specific rights because guess what, they're marriage has nothing to do with you. (Cont...)
I did not say we are the only group facing persecution. No shit, we're not. But that does not mean you take away from the fact that it *was* us that were attacked this time. Because it was.
Are you fucking kidding me? You think I can't complain or talk about politicians trying to take the right to marry, adopt kids, or use the fucking bathroom, etc. away from people like me? Just because gay people want the right to get married where they want? They should absolutely be able to marry in a place of worship specific to their religion. Just because they're gay doesn't mean they aren't religious or don't deserve the same religious rights as everyone else. Other people getting married in your temples is not infringing on *your* specific rights because guess what, they're marriage has nothing to do with you. (Cont...)
RIP To the 50 victims of the Orlando shooting... 33 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, well, as you can see I'm very pissed off about the whole thing. Tired and pissed off. Thanks, though.
RIP To the 50 victims of the Orlando shooting... 33 comments
· 8 years ago
Erasing the fact that this was an attack specifically on the LGBT+ community erases the fact that homophobia is still a huge problem. A lot of people think it's over now that "the gays have the right to marry" but guess what, it's not over. So many LGBT+ people live in fear of things like this everyday. Yes, even in the US. So many politicians are actively trying to take away our rights., or prevent us from gaining anymore. Our fucking ridiculous gun control laws make it so easy for any homophobe, transphobe, LGBT+ hating person to massacre us like this guy did.
And so what if "we all face persecution?" Is persecution some kind of competition now? Because guess what? Straight people aren't about to be shot up just because of who they love. This was about us, you homophobic piece of shit. Deal with it.
Edited 8 years ago
And so what if "we all face persecution?" Is persecution some kind of competition now? Because guess what? Straight people aren't about to be shot up just because of who they love. This was about us, you homophobic piece of shit. Deal with it.
RIP To the 50 victims of the Orlando shooting... 33 comments
· 8 years ago
Are you kidding? He deliberately attacked a gay club, it had everything to do with gay people. And I have seen PLENTY of the LGBT+ community, myself included, specifically say not to erase or downplay the fact that this was an attack against us.
Edited 8 years ago
RIP To the 50 victims of the Orlando shooting... 33 comments
In light of recent events 49 comments
· 8 years ago
But we can tell them to go fuck themselves and it would be perfectly justified :)
In light of recent events 49 comments
· 8 years ago
Hey, guess what? Some hatred is good. You're allowed to hate the people who wish to do you harm, you're allowed to hate the people who oppress you. Telling someone they're just as bad as the people hurting them because they hate them is such a disgusting and toxic mentality.
What it really meant. 38 comments
· 8 years ago
The original was created in 1943. Society probably mostly cared about white women back then.
What it really meant. 38 comments
· 8 years ago
There's already one with a white woman. That's the point. That all women can do it, not just white women.
What it really meant. 38 comments
Thanks Grant 8 comments
· 8 years ago
I like the way Kristen Stewart does it.
bread memes. 35 comments