Must have 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Ah, yes just another thing to add to my list of "unnecessary items, that I must have"
I always preferred the confession tiger 6 comments
Graffiti wisdom 7 comments
Another "Deport Bieber" petition! 23 comments
· 11 years ago
No! We don't want him! I agree with bumblebee22, let's put him in an isolated volcano, or the pit!
Edited 11 years ago
He grow up to become his hero 5 comments
What is this leg day you speak of? 7 comments
Why Pope Francis is the Person of the Year 15 comments
I wish I could be at Hogwarts for Christmas 10 comments
Murder for learning 17 comments
The most touching photos you'll ever see 20 comments
· 11 years ago
This made me start to cry in the middle of the mall, one of the ladies walking by stopped and asked if was alright. I shook and showed her the post, after seeing it she sat down and cried with me. :'(
Edited 11 years ago
The Return of Lord Voldemort 27 comments
· 11 years ago
It would have been wise of him to turn a Nokia into a horcrux, seeing as they are basically indestructible.
They look so happy <3 23 comments
autocorrect 32 comments
How gymnasts spend time at the airport 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh god this is so true, whenever I'm going to a competion my teammates and I will have hand stand completions at the airport. One time a flight attendant yelled at us and told us to sit back down.
Edited 11 years ago