I play a load of video games!
XBLive- Cptn Beardius
PSN- CptnBeardius
you're back 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Only at DIA lol
i'm 5'1 32 comments
Applause 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Pretty sure there was a whole episode about it lol u can easily look it up. This is the internet.
Applause 20 comments
Go mom! 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Seriously. I don't understand how anyone can say Mormons are douche bags for being nice. It's not like they are trying to take anything from u or anything, and chances are they aren't going to push u into their beliefs.
Go mom! 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Had a couple elders help me move into my apartment! They were really nice, we didn't talk about religion or anything crazy. Just about life. They are really really nice people! I'm not a religious person myself but the Mormons I've met don't care about converting you but just being kind to eachother and that's really awesome to me :)
It's Nice Of Him To Share 27 comments
Me irl 12 comments
Just telling it like it is 7 comments
Why Kids Shouldn't Watch The Walking Dead 12 comments
Incoming freedom, hit the deck! 48 comments
· 9 years ago
Fighting a group of terrorist militia men is a lot different then going to a country to fight their army. If I'm not mistaken we are in the Middle East to fight terror. If no one does then things like the USS Cole, and the Twin towers, Nairobi, and other innocent lives can easily be forgot? Down vote me for defending the U.S. But someone has to do it when no one else wants to.
We all like curves 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Down vote all u want. I would rather read on a tablet than a book. It's more comfortable to read while laying in bed.
Giorgio is a really weird person 3 comments
· 9 years ago
He is also the Director of the centre of Ancient Astronaut Research.
Japanese cat and rice 7 comments
Almost the same 10 comments
Wait, WHAT!? 18 comments
She must smell heavenly 6 comments
What people eat in a hospital (Belgium) 17 comments
I just shaved my legs you can't feel them though 14 comments