Everyone thanks me a lot. And I don't know why.— Captain Obvious Report User
Most of my teachers do this 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Sounds like it sucks but I wished people talked to me more when I was young then maybe I wouldn't be so quiet,
This girl is both very stupid and very rude.. 27 comments
Everyone is beautiful in their own way 43 comments
Australian animals that won't kill you 21 comments
The cobra effect 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Guest acting all smart like he know how it works, but little did he know, he's wrong. Google search 'Popsicle stick bomb' and you'll find your answer.
Miracle of nature 9 comments
Nothing is impossible you say? But wait... 19 comments
Let This Happen! 181 comments
· 11 years ago
I thought it was already *obvious* that I'm famous around here. Haha
I wish I was as bad as this guy 11 comments
It's always been my favorite letter 2 comments
Mind your own business! 6 comments