

— CaptBojangles18 Report User
Know what you don't know 9 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Honestly with a keyless entry car, i just keep my car key in there
Mmm Le yes 1 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Boomer humor...
Wife bad...
How dare they 9 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Seems like a baiting headline.
I would argue that there's nothing wrong with being 94% white, as long as that 6% are treated/respected just as well as the majority.
I suspect the article itself goes more into the reality of that... But that isn't exactly click bait, is it
Science! 6 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Temperature is just how fast the molecules are vibrating.
Absolute 0 exists because eventually they slow to a stop, and they cant vibrate slower than that
The light has gone out 4 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Thats who i thought.
Yeah, that's probably the appropriate entry for a day like that...
The light has gone out 4 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Who was this?
I remember seeing this and it was some famous historical figure, and that was the day his wife died
Men in tights 2 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Im in this photo and I don't like it.
Sleeping in a tent in the garage because you can't risk infecting people 3 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Had us in the first half...
This is why I have trust issues 5 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Plus, after you use it a bunch, the rivets that hold on the end piece open up the holes in the tape, so you get like 1/8" of play in there...
My news feed after the debate 16 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Now this sign i can get behind...
I would buy one 3 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Im surprised its not a crayon...
Classic names 6 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Jenny Tulls took me a minute
Mama 1 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Saving Private Ryan, for anyone who doesn't know the movie.
It's a pretty intense movie, and the text is right, this scene is particularly emotional
My favorite part about fall is all the different colored Leafs 1 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Where the hell is this?
Also, i bought myself one of these last week...
Big brain time 4 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Ok, so if 0 is less straight than 1, and you cant have negative sex...
That implies that the y axis is a "gay" scale, and the x axis is a "number of times of dude sex"...
So if this line starts at 0,0, and the next point is at lets say, 1,1... We also know eventually that the y coordinate becomes negative, lets say, n,-1...
What value is n? This has to be some sort of parabolic curve... How many times can i have sex with another man if i want to stay just as straight as someone who's had 0 sex with another man?
And also SOLO 6 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Agreed... Even my "least favorite", ill still watch... They all have their cheesy moments, they all have their powerful moments...
But we're not watching Citizen Kane, we're watching movies about space wizards and laser swords...
And also SOLO 6 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Controversial opinion:
Rogue one and TLJ are my two favorites
Introducing stoner thoughts axel 3 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Plus, there was a mythbusters episode about this one too. If they were both on it, it would have sunk down enough that both of them would've froze.
They did find that it wouldve worked, ONLY if they had tied the life jacked underneath the door, but i think we can forgive them (the characters) for not thinking of a relatively clever solution given the circumstances
So sad 7 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
I was 17 during my sr year of high school
Anon gets laid in Russia 1 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Ill take "sh*t that didn't happen" for 500, Alex
· Edited 3 years ago
Oh, by the way, have you heard? Jesus dies in the Bible, and comes back to life later 2 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
My kids really like star wars, but they're still to young for the movies... I've seen a few of the kids books that spoil the hole empire/darth vader thing, and we dont read those...
I want some of that to be new to them when i we finally watch the movies together
I am faking It boys 5 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
You know back when i was in the Air Force and tore the hell out of my meniscus (I didn't know it at the time), the doctor legit told me that my knee was swollen the size of a tree because i didn't stretch enough.
Clackamas making itself heard 5 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Oh, you sound like one of those people that wants to vote for that side....
I hate that side...
True beauty [OC] 5 comments
captbojangles18 · 3 years ago
Yeah, but with gold, you can buy power