Going to medical school 5 comments
· 8 years ago
My sister use to work at a gynecology office, and she said that she has seen/smelled things that would make you never want to have sex ever again! moral of the story: lady parts can be both magical and scary depending on how they take care of themselves
My cat just made these! What should I call them? 54 comments
Not all Australian animals want to kill you 16 comments
Because Batman vs everything makes it better 18 comments
Skulls made from pearls 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Someone actually posted some pictures of some rings he made and I wanted one so I looked him up lol that's the only reason I remembered but your welcome
People have real questions when you have 53 coats of nail polish 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I can barely get one coat of Polish to last longer then a day, how the hell did she manage that?
Skulls made from pearls 7 comments
Need this one in my wardrobe 21 comments
People recount what it was like to come out as gay 141 comments
· 9 years ago
This breaks my heart, as a mother of 4, I've been asked what I would do if one of my children told me they where gay (especially because my family is Catholic and so is my husbands) and I've always said without any hesitation, that I would love them regardless, because no matter who they choose to love they will always be my babies, and I could never turn my back on them
Celebrities when they were young 11 comments
· 9 years ago
1)Betty white was freaking beautiful(still a pretty lady)
2)wtf Keanu!?! What is he taking and how do get some?
2)wtf Keanu!?! What is he taking and how do get some?
Slow down honey 14 comments
Slow down honey 14 comments
· 9 years ago
I've done something similar but it was my best friends boyfriend and the only reason why I did it was because he had hit her in front of me
Boost Your Mood Naturally With These 14 Tricks 6 comments
· 9 years ago
While scrolling through this post for some reason I thought #7 had a picture of a martini with a pickle on the rim....
Guns replaced with thumbs up in movies 16 comments
In the background 2 comments
· 9 years ago
Fun fact: I was watching the episode when Marshall's father dies and if you pay attention, in the background they are counting down numbers until Marshall finds out his dad has passed
Keeps things in moderation. Think of the effects in the future. 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I get the ass shaking, and revealing clothing can lead to making your daughter a bit more promiscuous, but cursing is very far from making your child promiscuous. I know plenty of people who curse and who have been cursing for a long time even at a younger age who didn't become sexualy active at a young age so saying that it's in relation to your child pregnant at a young age is a bit of a stretch
Keeps things in moderation. Think of the effects in the future. 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm not a hundred percent sure how cursing turns your child into a slut
Edited 9 years ago
Hey bae 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Lol something this actually happened to me in high school, I was talking to a friend in science and this guy came up to me and grabbed my hand and put a rubber band on my finger and said I was his wife now lmao everytime I would pass him in the hall way or see him in class he'd be like 'hey wifey' lol we are still friends
Edited 9 years ago