

Here to cast pearls of wisdom and BS in equal measure. Am I too late?

— CarbonTech Report User
Now you mention it… 7 comments
carbontech · 4 weeks ago
This generation is not looking out for the idiots, out of any sense of altruism, lol. Rather, corporate lawyers, under pressure from insurance companies, are reacting to the swell of litigious idiots, who are winning lawsuits, because a manufacturer didn't CLEARLY state that hairdryers shouldn't be used in showers or that one shouldn't stand on the very top rung of a stepladder...or that people shouldn't parch their thirst with battery acid, lol. That's why modern documentation has all these ridiculous caveats, why modern products have all these ridiculous warning stickers plastered on them-they want to pre-emptively avoid giving idiots a pretext to sue for their idiotic actions.
Someone thought I looked like "Fisto." I almost regret looking this up 1 comments
carbontech · 4 weeks ago
I wonder if the writer just made an innocent, lazy name choice or if he was actively trolling by using a name and associated dialogue that most pre-internet readers would only take at face value, but a small subset, in the day, would find hilarious.
Behold, Americans, a Japanese toilet door that covers the gap on birth sides! 4 comments
carbontech · 4 weeks ago
Could also be to dissuade people from using the stalls for hook-ups.
I worked at a WW2 era aircraft manufacturing plant that had those types of doors. Pretty sure their motive was productivity based. Hard to take a nap when any boss can see your face. This factory also had short swingdoor urinals scattered along the walls of the production floor. Since the workforce was almost exclusively male at the time of construction, it saved a lot of the schlepping time required to get to and back from the much more distant, second story, full service washrooms.
This squeaker on my dogs toy 1 comments
carbontech · 6 weeks ago
If you can still read it, he's yet to win.
SOURCE: the bits of colorful plastic permeating the stools of the True Champion of the Universe, my dog, Kevin. There Can Only Be One!—Highlander...and Kevin.
Opposite worldwide lyrical 2 comments
carbontech · 9 weeks ago
But how? 2 comments
carbontech · 10 weeks ago
Master Chef Escher and his crazy plates.
Found this walking around Johnson City tn 2 comments
carbontech · 13 weeks ago
Don't know for sure if they're actually pop culture characters or just a street artist's clever creations.
Abundant sleek alcoholic 2 comments
carbontech · 13 weeks ago
I love this guy's mom, lol.
Now you know 2 comments
carbontech · 16 weeks ago
All I see is Pennywise looking out of a storm drain. Fish should stay away, particularly those named Georgie.
Don't ever call me a clown ever again if you are not capable of this kind of banter 1 comments
carbontech · 16 weeks ago
Screencapped this cutting riposte for a rainy day.
Hissy enamel insensible 2 comments
carbontech · 17 weeks ago
So a guy named Pyne had a wooden leg? Checks out.
Don't smoke or speaker French 3 comments
carbontech · 19 weeks ago
Shouldn't the second message be French? What if a visitor doesn't understand English, but loves to practice his French everywhere he goes?
You want an international incident?
This is how you get an international incident.
Humorous disgusting inconclusive 1 comments
carbontech · 22 weeks ago
Braised veal vs habanero jerky, so to speak.
Worst-case hand-held robust 1 comments
carbontech · 23 weeks ago
In about 50 years, we went from Pong(sucking in my quarters as I sat at the bar in our local entertainment center) to Unreal Engine 5.4, pushing photorealistic videos rendered on the fly. During that half century, every incremental, minor improvement was bragged about by the developers and was greeted by consumers with the awe and excitement, that, the then cutting edge visuals, deserved. Such is the nature of tech. It only becomes laughably quaint and primative, when viewed through the lens of time.
Lawl 2 comments
carbontech · 23 weeks ago
Agree. Being successful doesn't equate to being famous. There's over 2700 billionaires on Earth, all "successful", but 99% aren't household names with well-known mugs. Without that photo putting her claim immediately into context, or at least a line naming them, she's just some unknown, random 20-something, complaining that her anonymous folks had very little to do with her definition of "success", making it absolutely meaningless to most viewers.
Receptive adult memorial 1 comments
carbontech · 24 weeks ago
Had a non-smoking buddy at work who tried this a few times, but soon stopped on his own, lol. It's funny just how much worse it looks, when a boss walks by and gives you a glance, to be standing there empty-handed, stealing company time vs stealing the same company time, while feeding a well-known addiction. Not saying it's fair, but perception is everything.
Holy toebeans big foot 2 comments
carbontech · 25 weeks ago
Dragster tires versus other cats' plain old touring ones.
Rancher shows his thanks to helicopter firefighting crew pilling water off his property 1 comments
carbontech · 25 weeks ago
I sometimes throw a lazy salute at garbage truck or snowplow drivers. Guess I've gotta get a horse and a flag now. Thanks for raising the stakes in the public servant appreciation game, cowboy.
· Edited 25 weeks ago
Presumed parted sour 2 comments
carbontech · 26 weeks ago
I rate your story 11/11 on the This Is Spinal Tap scale.
They are lerning 1 comments
carbontech · 30 weeks ago
"Baboons riding wolves come pouring out of the forest" is gonna be my next Midjourney AI prompt, lol.
Heres a game for you guys 33 comments
carbontech · 31 weeks ago
3 years late, lol. Just an FYI. The reason we all know about Florida Man is because of the state's Sunshine Laws, whereby arrest records are publicly accessible. Media, looking for funny/wacky filler, go to where it's easily available. Other states have their fair share of "Florida Men" but we don't hear about them as readily because of privacy issues. FYI OVER!
Anon witnesses a wolf 1 comments
carbontech · 31 weeks ago
Cart before the horse. In the days before mankind had domesticated wolves, no one with any survival instincts would have just unthinkingly given some pats to a large furry predator that had sidled up next to them, no matter how good that stone age equivalent of a PopTart was. Imagine acting on an ingrained habit, that had yet to be formed.
It’s insane how beautiful life can be 2 comments
carbontech · 31 weeks ago
To each his own, but ketchup on a hot dog would be a lot of people's last choice. Then again, I come from a place where sauerkraut is considered an essential topping. One that I always have to specify I don't want. BTW, I'd much prefer your version, ketchup and all, over a sauerkraut drowned one, lol. Bon Appétit!
I nearly spit out my coffee 1 comments
carbontech · 32 weeks ago
A 2¢ Googly Eye, and 5 seconds of work, giving every viewer a moment of mirth. Thanks for the free endorphins, anonymous free endorphin-giver!
The spirit of this sign leaving its body 4 comments
carbontech · 32 weeks ago
Asked Google if speed limit signs are embossed, and this very sign appeared on an eBay link. Described as heavily embossed steel. So "mostly" flat, lol.