

Here to cast pearls of wisdom and BS in equal measure. Am I too late?

— CarbonTech Report User
Photo shoot of crash survivors for a NZ road safety campaign to show how seat belts saved 5 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Let me preface this by saying I am 100% in support of seatbelt usage. It's just one of those fluke happenings and definitely not an argument against seatbelt usage.
Years ago, my drunk idiot of a friend, was driving his VW bug, when he lost control and struck a tree. He wasn't wearing a seatbelt and was thrown clear of the car, luckily not into traffic. He ended up wearing a full leg cast for the summer but miraculously managed to dodge the steering column, which had pushed his seat into the back of the car. Had he stayed in the car, he probably would have fared a lot worse than a leg injury.
Probably the greatest pic I will ever take. 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Unsolicited cock pic detected.
Trash pandas will inherit the earth 4 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
The view, as seen from the door, of every intervention.
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The remodel is going great, why do you ask? 1 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Coming soon...The opposite of Doctor Who's Tardis.
And not Colonial Marines? Lame 8 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Members of the Coast Guard: "Bruh, seriously?"
It's all in the details. 6 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Here you go. Tell him I say hello. :)
Emo Philips - Primary Address
OmniPop Talent Group (LA)
4605 Lankershim Blvd Suite 201
Toluca Lake
CA, 91602
When the neighbors get a drum set 2 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Plot twist: She actually hates her neighbours and knows the only thing worse than listening to incessant drumming, is listening to incessant drumming while nursing a Tequila hangover. Well played, Satan.
8 · Edited 3 years ago
Exodus 1 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
"And that kids, is how I started the Great Pandemic of 1955."
It's all in the details. 6 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Good catch, Lol, I missed that favour he was being granted.
The Hermit life 6 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Linebreakers-the bane of human and hermit crab existstance.
The Hermit life 6 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago 7 · Edited 3 years ago
Watching a Jet Fighter take off 2 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Must be a Falcon.
Are we all gonna ignore the fact that this guy got a standing ovation 5 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Joaquin Phoenix winning best actor for "Joker".
The Hermit life 6 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
And the only evidence left behind, is one small shell.
16 · Edited 3 years ago
F uck my shit up 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Simple explanation. He's seen things. Things that change a dog.
Anglerfish for Halloween 4 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
So heading towards the light, is not a hard and fast rule.
there is one imposter among us 2 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Stealth 100
Splash 9 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
My wife and I stumbled upon it several years ago and loved it. Her "differences" gave her insights that were not apperant to the rest of us. A great biopic.
I wake up today just to read Trump's tweet. 6 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
LOL! Tell that to all the former Democrats in the South who were scooped up by the Southern Strategy. I'm sure Lincoln would be proud to see all those Republicans and their Confederate flags.
· Edited 3 years ago
Mom said we can't have a horse in the flat 2 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Should've gone for the ass 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Alien would have been an entirely different movie, lol. Kittens as cute little face huggers jumping out of pods and Jonsey, the ship's pet xenomorph, foreshadowing the impending deaths of the crew members. Shower Thoughts.
Found Footage 13 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Most of us don't care about feet, unless they're ours and giving us grief, or someone else's, in need of foot powder. Having said that, I'm sure, the majority of the subset of humanity that has an inordinate fascination with women's feet, might find these to be somewhat uninspiring.
I wake up today just to read Trump's tweet. 6 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
First and foremost, in any discussion concerning Lincoln and his political leanings, it's necessary to examine the Republican platform in the 1860's vs the Democrats of the day and how, over the intervening century and a half, the 2 parties effectively switched platforms. If Lincoln were alive today, there's not a chance in hell he would identify as a Republican or support their political ideology and would be the first to call out Trump.
· Edited 3 years ago
Tiny homes on a public sidewalk 6 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
The scaled graffiti was a nice touch of realism.
A town close to me recently became Hollywood’s sister city. Jimmy Kimmel is currently 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Dildo is a town in Newfoundland.There's also a South Dildo, a neighbouring community of 250 residents.