

The resident fluffy and curious cat.
Telegram: @SlagterKatjie

— catfluff Report User
Love it 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
I would read this
This is why I spent all my money on a camera that also makes phone calls 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Same bro, except that was in 2019. Still takes marvellous pictures, but some newer cameras that can call have crisper images
[OC] purple flowers 3 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Seems like it
This is what happens 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Jade innocent
Relaxing. Digital painting I made 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Ah, That's Hot. That's Hot 3 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Pillow basalts for the win! Thanks Terry!
loss 3 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
What is this, hooman 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
*data transfer*
*no files found*
Was told getting a cat can help with mice problems, now I got a cat problem too 4 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Is frens
Mouse bring food
Farm fresh eggs 5 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
No stress!
Landlords- please don’t paint over c*ckroaches 2 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
It's a dancin'
Its the cat family- photo credit to Siddhant Aggarwal 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Glaring impressionable debonair 3 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
I mean as long as you clear a safe space around your fire then absolutely hell yeah
Farm fresh eggs 5 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Yeah, a Google search informed me they are called Easter Egger chickens (for real), but here these eggos appear smöl compared to the other ones, so I my joke was implying these chickens stole another bird's egg to maintain production and was passing it off as their own
· Edited 11 weeks ago
I've never seen more different definitions for one word or phrase before in my entire 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
It was like the 1700s I think, but some guy's wife said that their house's gas lights go off at random, and nobody believed her and the guy eventually convinced his wife she was lying and going bonkers. Meanwhile, it was the guy switching off the gas, causing the lights to dim, playing his wife and making her out as crazy.
So essentially, convincing someone that the truth they are speaking is actually a lie, by lying to them and others, whilst perpetuating the behaviour toward them that they are speaking out against, to the point where they don't even know if they can trust themselves anymore, and whether the thing that happens to them is even real or if they are just imaging it.
For example, person A is bullying person B and stealing their stuff, then person A makes person B and everyone else believe that that they would NEVER do such a thing, that it is all misunderstood, that person B is just making things up and being a mean person towards person A.
Irritating hypnotic primal 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Proper communication doesn't work like that. The fact that he is seen as bitchin', & the fact that they consider that a reason to be cheated on, shows immaturity from all sides.
Both parties should be able to maturely state their grievances, attempt to understand their partner's viewpoint & where they come from (and while their point might not always seem valid or true, their feelings about it are still real), try and talk it out & find solutions or compensations where you can meet each other in the middle.
If things are truly incompatible, break up with your partner rather than cheating.
Cheating just fills one gap in your current relationship. If you are unwilling to break up to be with the other person, either due to
(1) being comfortable in your relationship, or
(2) other benefits, or
(3) this is the only gap and you like your partner otherwise,
then you need to reassess your situation and find an overall more compatible partner, or work on your relationship / yourself.
Farm fresh eggs 5 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Blue and green is sus
Ming-Na Wen, 1998 vs 2020 2 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Idk who she is but she looks like she hasn't aged a day. All I can say is that I think her 2020 makeup suits her a little better though?
It's the meme that keeps on giving. 2 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Bear probably just wants to be left alone, too
An honest question regarding recent threads 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
The top one? Both?
· Edited 11 weeks ago
A third of the way through 3 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Shaken inking vanilla 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
They're better judges of character 1 comments
catfluff · 11 weeks ago
Cats are better judges imho