

The resident fluffy and curious cat.
Telegram: @SlagterKatjie

— catfluff Report User
Does the Sponge Come with Square Pants? 3 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
This is appreciated, thank you Terry
Interesting way to sell Apples 1 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
Potayto potahto apple orange mandarin tomatoe
Dread complex skinny 2 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
The newspaper obviously
Creeped out by a recently shaved cat looming over me 1 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
*hunts you*
I made this tuxedo cat's stained glass portrait 1 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
Worldwide heavenly short-term 3 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
Deep watering to the roots in very dry soil where the water will dissipate shallowly, perhaps?
whyIsItAlwaysLikeThis 1 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
Person: I don't know what's wrong! The program just gave a popup then quit!
IT: What did the popup say?
Person: I don't know I just closed it!
IT: *thousand yard stare*
She breaks my heart, yet I'm committed to the pain 1 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
That's a very cool photo
My cat franny 1 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
What a precious kitty.
Send love to franny
JK I don't have a wife 10 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
I'm glad you are doing better. I don't mind listening, so you can always pop me a message if you want to talk.
JK I don't have a wife 10 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
Well, as long as I take my meds I don't have much to deal with anymore, and I'm also seeing a therapist, and I have an incredibly supportive partner, so all in all I'm very blessed!
Do you want to talk about your problems? I'm happy to lend an ear.
JK I don't have a wife 10 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
It's not always advised, but my doctors amd pharmacist don't comment when I say I do.
My libido is much lower, and there's a higher chance of breast cancer.
Some people experience weight gain, but I often forget to eat lunch and breakfast (my ADHD does a hyperfocus, plus anxiety) and have always had a small build plus I'm a picky eater, so unless I'm trying to eat my depression away or I forget to drink my meds in winter, I remain at a relatively normal-to-just-underweight state.
I'm also very sedentary, sitting in a lab doing analysis the whole day, perhaps I walk 1 km a day.
The advantages are also that I rarely get skin breakouts, perhaps a single pimple a month. My breasts are less sore (still tender though) when it's that time, and I may have some light spotting or minor bleeding, never enough for a tampon, maybe a light pad. Very minor cramping, if at all (unless I forget to drink my birth control, 12h after I forgot my cramps already let me know I fucked up).
JK I don't have a wife 10 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
Yeah, I skip my periods entirely now using birth control, otherwise I have to deal with this, plus the cramps are so bad I feel like I'm going to pass out, my vision goes black, my legs go cold and numb and tingly too, and I get really hot and sweaty then cold and nauseous, so I just skip the periods altogether.
JK I don't have a wife 10 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
I had to be put on birth control since I was 17 because I would just not stop bleeding, it really would last for multiple weeks, with large coin-sized clots and a flood that soaks through a heavy flow tampon AND pad within an hour.
Spoopy pot has eyes 3 comments
catfluff · 3 weeks ago
*tries to catch floppy dick*
Sweet 1 comments
catfluff · 4 weeks ago
Singaporean condo swimming pool sign...The mind boggles 2 comments
catfluff · 4 weeks ago
Do not the cat @nelson
Early memories last 1 comments
catfluff · 4 weeks ago
Oof that hurts me right in the meow meow
Thanks Terry, Very Cool 2 comments
catfluff · 4 weeks ago
Thanks Terry!
Spoopy pot has eyes 3 comments
catfluff · 4 weeks ago
*hides from @nelson*
On a diet and not happy [OC] 1 comments
catfluff · 4 weeks ago