
Bueno, hola.

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title 6 comments
celia · 5 years ago
He dirty
Can't make no yo mama jokes 17 comments
celia · 5 years ago
I guess he's only being a douche, but if someone thinks this may have some kind of thruth; this topic was studied and there's no difference between being raised by a heterosexual couple or a same sex couple
Amazon Cake 8 comments
celia · 5 years ago
Pf, you're right, unfortunately. Hope you find a job you like, tho
good luck!
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Dog saves baby from abuse 4 comments
celia · 5 years ago
A good boi
This little girl burnt Chris Brown like wildfire 14 comments
celia · 5 years ago
He's an idiot with zero simpathy
Suicides and attempted suicides are real. And even if someone is doing it for attention it's not 1. Less dangerous, because there can be an error 2. Less worrying, because someone is actually harming themselves because how they feel
Amazon Cake 8 comments
celia · 5 years ago
@alekazam how was working for them? There was a quite big strike on black friday here and they tried to call the police to disolve it (it was pacific and they called days before the actual strike)
The police obviously said no, because it's a civil right after all, but the fact that they tried to dissolve it smells quite bad
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Thiiiic 3 comments
celia · 5 years ago
Just my massive scrotum
Mirrors as wheels 4 comments
celia · 5 years ago
You cut your leg and die in style
The human colour palette 11 comments
celia · 5 years ago
There's plenty of groups missing, chill
15 · Edited 5 years ago
Dave Ramsey baby steps 7 comments
celia · 5 years ago
People really think that everyone that's not wealthy is either stupid or lazy
Good luck
Realistic sci-fi movies 3 comments
celia · 5 years ago
This fills me with hope
You're f**ked anyways 11 comments
celia · 5 years ago
When I moved here from the north It was really hard, i felt really dizzy, but you end up getting used to it
I'm quite sure i wouldn't be able to handle your winter hahah
You're f**ked anyways 11 comments
celia · 5 years ago
Yeah, average +12C
Our summer is close to (some days over) +35/+40C, a living hell
· Edited 5 years ago
You're f**ked anyways 11 comments
celia · 5 years ago
Where i live we suffer at 12 degrees celsius
· Edited 5 years ago
Words with friends, friends for life 10 comments
celia · 5 years ago
The only thing i got from an online crossword game were dickpics
Ghost sex 11 comments
celia · 5 years ago
I thought It was called rape
Never watched one and said, "Gotta have it." 11 comments
celia · 5 years ago
I like the camera work and the fact that it's not a "typical perfume ad" where they try to be all sexy or poweful
But yeah, it's also a bit cringy hahah
When the phone overheats 5 comments
celia · 5 years ago
It was a joke hahaha
When the phone overheats 5 comments
celia · 5 years ago
You don't like popcorn?
· Edited 5 years ago
Wrong place 15 comments
celia · 5 years ago
That girl is the embodyment of the american stereotype here, but thinner
True words 3 comments
celia · 5 years ago
Muy god, buddha was lame
· Edited 5 years ago
Glasses are cool 13 comments
celia · 5 years ago
I got glasses so young that i was amazed that not everyone saw things like i did
I was like "you're telling me that all of you could see five meters from here?"
I miss the days when i could see five meters from myself lol
I'm almost fucking blind now
6 · Edited 5 years ago
Photo of a fireman taken during the fire in DoñAna , Spain. Not all heroes wear 10 comments
celia · 5 years ago
If anyone is curious, the title reads "Doñana", a national park in Spain (N+tilde) (tilde means diacritical mark)
However, the photo is from Peru (although they did a great job in Doñana, as always)
5 · Edited 5 years ago
The don't deserve it 28 comments
celia · 5 years ago
I did not say anything about alcohol because we are not talking about alcohol.
Alcohol being dangerous does not make marijuana less dangerous. In fact, those are the two drugs that are the most seen at mental health centers
I'm a psychologist, i've studied this, the fact that It may be beneficial to some does not make It innocuous.
I've known people that have spent days at the hospital because of psychosis from it
It's a drug that can have benefits, but it's still a drug, and It causes problems too
I also think alcohol is a hell of a drug that destroys lifes, and i still drink responssibly, if that helps hahah
I'm not trying to convince you not to smoke, i just don't want people yo be missinformed thinking that It does not have risks or that it's not addictive
Glad It helps you, tho
(I think this comment is a bit messy but my phone keeps correcting words to spanish)
1 · Edited 5 years ago