What a masterpiece 4 comments
· 7 years ago
You do the cheeki breeki, I do the sneeki breeki~
Laws don't make sense 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Well, first of all, at least in America, joining the military is a voluntary thing. Second of all, you need a parent to sign you up if you are under 18, just like you can get a parent to buy you Call of Duty.
Wow, so much disrespect 14 comments
Wow she looks young 18 comments
Looks like guys love female beasts too 16 comments
Wow she looks young 18 comments
· 7 years ago
Well, while I can see the merits of your idea, I can't agree with denying someone their rights just because you don't think it should be a natural right.
Looks like guys love female beasts too 16 comments
Don't worry, it's not their house 79 comments
Wow she looks young 18 comments
Russia really doesn't care 25 comments
· 7 years ago
Well said. Sort of a, "the ends don't justify the means" kind of thing. Though you have to admit, Scientology needs to be dealt with.
Russia really doesn't care 25 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, dude, Mormons are cool. Kinda weird, but really cool. When Matt Stone and Trey Parker made their "Book of Mormon" play, instead of protesting, the Mormons had missionaries outside the play offering to talk to people about the Book of Mormon.
The phones could be a bit related to that 61 comments
· 7 years ago
The Nazi party was originally characterized by it's fascist politics, which is Antifa to a T.
In fact, Fascism is the only real defining factor in determining what a Nazi is, because one can easily be a white supremacist without being a Nazi.
Antifa fights perceived fascism with actual fascism, all the while attacking innocent people and destroying public and private property. They are cowards who only fight when they think people won't fight back. I dare them to try the shit they did at UC Berkley on a Texas campus, we allow students to defend themselves in our state.
In fact, Fascism is the only real defining factor in determining what a Nazi is, because one can easily be a white supremacist without being a Nazi.
Antifa fights perceived fascism with actual fascism, all the while attacking innocent people and destroying public and private property. They are cowards who only fight when they think people won't fight back. I dare them to try the shit they did at UC Berkley on a Texas campus, we allow students to defend themselves in our state.
Don't worry, it's not their house 79 comments
Wow she looks young 18 comments
Wow she looks young 18 comments
Take that yanks! 18 comments
Don't worry, it's not their house 79 comments
· 7 years ago
How do you know they aren't using steel backed targets? Granted they shouldn't be setting up a target range in what looks to be a suburban area, but we shouldn't assume that they're being dangerous about it.
What a roast, but she had it coming 10 comments
Male privilege 13 comments
· 7 years ago
actually, if the guy is your significant other, and you wear your cutest dress twice, he'll probably be all, "Hey, didn't you wear this yesterday?" And when you say yes, he'll probably be, like, "Oh, cool, I love you in this dress."