

I visited this site for a awhile and eventually realized that users knew each other. So I made an account in an attempt to become part of the community! Hi :)

— ChangeTheWorld Report User
Photo I took recently of the Lourve Museum in Paris. So big that we actually got lost! 1 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
It took my hubby and I forever to find an exit and get out of that place!
Covid-19 in may 2020 has me like Sokka 3 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
I worked with kids with special needs and this has, unfortunately, been the norm since all of the COVID craziness. The kids need a diagnosis in order to qualify for any helpful services, but can't get appointments anywhere.
So, I asked my mom to grab some grape tomatoes. It’s a 20lb box. Guess I’ll be making 2 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
Bruschetta, Caprese, Panzanella, BLT, so many yummy things!
Ah yes, parenting 3 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
I have been the child in the background. In the same situation.
breh 3 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
1. Me too. 2. Did you have a problem with it when it was at Trump's expense? (genuine question).
Purity culture in a [nut]shell 10 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
Obviously, this is my experience/perspective and not a data-driven argument. But since someone who, from the sounds of it, didn't even grow up in purity or Christian culture decided to say that billions of people are being negatively affected by it and stating their random opinion as fact, I thought at least there should be an opposing side.
For a site that is supposed to be fun and includes many users who claim to be openminded and say we should just love people the way they are or let people have their differences, there has been so much bashing on Christianity, conservative political values (I'm not grouping those two things together), Americans and pretty much anything that isn't cool to support right now. I'm getting so sick of it.
7 · Edited 3 years ago
Purity culture in a [nut]shell 10 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
(Part 2) Hate to break it to you: People can learn, grow, and figure out how to be good partners before they have sex. That process isn't "on hold" until sex starts. I'm not sure why you have to be alone in a bedroom together to be able to handle finances together.
Of my family and friends, this is what I can say: The Christian marriages seem to be the happiest and have the least amount of issues. As for the non-Christians: they are almost all a mess, dealing with pregnancies/kids they didn't expect with people they don't want to be with and now they are unhappy and many of the kids are suffering in broken families that are a total mess right now. So yeah, they made mistakes and may have learned, but it hasn't improved their lives or relationships.
Purity culture in a [nut]shell 10 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
I mean if this is what we are doing now, then I (who grew up in "purity culture") am declaring that:
I've never heard any 22 year-old Christians say anything like the original post.
I can't think of any of my (many) Christian family members or friends who married the first person they dated or who (to my knowledge) rushed into marriage at a young age just to have sex. Nothing about purity culture says you have to get married young and I don't know anyone I know specifically advocates for that.
I don't even know what "atomized" and "sterile dating" means. And what exactly is a "very late age" for dating. In my experience, parents who "made their kids wait" only did so until 16-18 years old. Is that seriously a "very late age?" Sorry, not sorry, that 12 year old Christians aren't out there dating.
6 · Edited 3 years ago
E m b r a c e 5 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
Staying home
Purity culture in a [nut]shell 10 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
Wow someone is making very sweeping statements about a massive group of people seemingly only on their personal experience. And it seems like it's from an "outside looking in" kind of perspective.
Charlie Chaplin without makeup and moustache 1 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
Reminds me a bit of Eddie Redmayne. I think it's the eyes/complexion.
The Elephant Hotel of Coney Island, circa 1884 2 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
Lucy! I grew up seeing her during our summer beach trips.
Bass kitties 6 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
They look like the lion statues that are on either side of gates or paths.
Morning rides in Florence 3 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
^ Y'all should fact check all of this before you believe it. This is just what I remember from my fav college professor who was obsessed with it. Also, you can go there and actually walk up (a lot of) stairs and then walk around the bottom of the dome.
Morning rides in Florence 3 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
If I am remembering correctly: They needed a dome for the cathedral, but no one was sure how to build one that large without scaffolding or a pillar support. They held a competition to see who could come up with the best idea and get the contract. Brunelleschi not only won the competition, he beat his rival AND he essentially did it by saying "I know how to do it, but I'm not telling you how. You just have to hire me and see." And then he actually did what no one else could do at the time and left no plans behind, so people are still trying to figure out all of the logistics of how it worked.
Morning rides in Florence 3 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
BRUNELLESCHI'S DOME! 1. I've been here and it's beautiful. 2. The dome actually has a really interesting back story.
Ocean City, NJ, boardwalk tonight 1 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
I love this place!
"smitty" 14 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
Oh no, what happened?! His last selfie post was so optimistic that the treatments were going well. And he's been commenting until very recently. Shocking and sad news.
Drink them both for best results 6 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
It didn't seem aggressive to me :). I didn't realize you were in India. In the US, instant coffee is not very popular. I think it's viewed as making a less-than-stellar cup of coffee. On the flip side, most people who drink tea here use teabags. Loose leaf tea isn't very popular (but I love it!).
Also, I'm not sure what you picture when I say tea-maker, but I wouldn't consider it an appliance (like a coffee machine or dishwasher). Mine is essentially just a container with a strainer, so after the tea steeps, you can pour it into a mug.
Drink them both for best results 6 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
Get a tea maker? Also, either way you are using loose leaf tea or coffee grounds, so I don't see much of a difference.
5 Years Ago we lost one of our very best, Robin Williams 5 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
Was it really only 5 years ago? Seems much longer than that.
Dark Mode returns, but functional? 4 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
The slider wasn't there last night. It is now, but it doesn't work.
Dark Mode returns, but functional? 4 comments
changetheworld · 3 years ago
Do you know a way to turn it off? I don't want it like that on my PC. Plus, each time I open the comments, it's a big white box that is jarring after looking at the dark screen.