I visited this site for a awhile and eventually realized that users knew each other. So I made an account in an attempt to become part of the community! Hi :)— ChangeTheWorld Report User
Jazzy blackened aroused 5 comments
· 38 weeks ago
They're also doing art and play...and music and gym and social time and yes, even taking care of the school garden and class pets.
Ancient guttural unruly 2 comments
· 40 weeks ago
It's definitely a thing, especially in anything that has action these days. If you keep the volume up loud enough to hear the dialogue, then you will be deaf when the next explosion or whatnot happens. But if you keeps the volume at a bearable level for the action scenes, you can't hear any of the dialogue.
Farm fresh eggs 5 comments
· 44 weeks ago
Yupp, Easter Eggers! And ohhh, missed that. Different breeds can lay different sizes but also the age of the chicken. When my chickens first start laying eggs they are quite small and the eggs get bigger as they grow. :)
Farm fresh eggs 5 comments
· 44 weeks ago
Nope, different breeds of chickens lay different colored egg. You can get a whole variety of colors.
Mini dumplings… 3 comments
Accurate mystified wombat 3 comments
I'd Die In Seconds 4 comments
(OC) saw this honest beauty today 3 comments
Mirrored rambunctious one-year 2 comments
· 1 year ago
Because he's already on death row. If they end up being his prints, he is literally already on death row, so nothing worse can happen. If they aren't his, maybe he doesn't die?
Heat tasts great 1 comments
You love to see it 1 comments
My bees decided to move out of their hive and congregate on a nearby tree 1 comments
· 1 year ago
They're swarming. Better get a new box and catch them before they leave!