by creativedragonbaby · 26 comments 7 years ago
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carne_asada · 7 years ago
Ok. Egypt
randomfandomgirl · 7 years ago
aliens. gods is overdone.
deleted · 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago
Wait! !!
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Why not futuristic robots from some long dead alien race come as essentially limitless gods and bestow these powers?
deleted · 7 years ago
Aliens that appear to be gods. That's what I did in my book.
famousone · 7 years ago
Maybe have a few pantheons. Or make one up.
deleted · 7 years ago
What if the 7 deadly sins were gods? They bestow power unto random human, but the powers have consequences?
Gluttony: the power to gain strength with meals, but everything tastes like ash
Wrath: gain power through anger, but become crippled and confined to a wheelchair until your next rage fit
Sloth: means "without care" / super tech savvy and excellent at strategies, but you LITERALLY can't give a shit about anything. You're permanently agnostic about everything
Lust: the skills of the world's greatest assassin BUT you must a have sex with someone at least twice a day BUT it can NEVER be with the same person. Guys wilL never be able to get hard with the same woman and women will become vicously I'll if she sleeps with the same man
Pride: excellent marksman, but you can never doubt yourself or be unsure of anything. If you do you'll be plagued with crippling arthritis in your hands
Not done
deleted · 7 years ago
Greed: the group tank. Able to take a shit ton of damage and walk away nearly unscathed, but you have to steal shit every few hours. Doesn't matter what it is as long as what you take isn't yours
Envy: a skilled magician. Able to control the elements BUT you are always jealous of others and are crippled with depression. You have zero self worth and you never believe in any of your abilities. It is impossible for you to feel positive emotions and the gods curse has prevented you from being able to kill yourself
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Or maybe instead of gaining powers from "gods" per se, why not grant them powers on some sort of primordial strengths that lurk from within. Powers could be based around themes, but not centric or even fully realized, and have more possibilty for development along the way. One thing I've been thinking about is a power based around "Defiance". Strong, durable, and able to endure and deflect even the most terrible of blows from their bodies. Perhaps a future development and testemant to their power growing is them being able to eventually convert their flesh and bones into metal, and convert other things around them like rock and dirt into metals and shape them into weapons. The reason I'm interested in powers like that are that they are powers earned from within the person, not granted to them. Their powers make them beholden to none but whom or what they concern themselves with.
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
I'm thinking about alien gods as a way to explain why this hasn't happened before. Also I'm thinking about taking a pantheon and giving them different names but the same personalities.
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
I like the idea of alien gods. Not enough people use it.
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
I need more reputation on here. LISTEN! If you need help with anything story or character related I'm ur dragon
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
I like that defiance power. My main character has that characteristic and I'll add that in. Very interesting
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
They're "determinedly focused" and are able to dodge attacks
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
OK NEXT VOTE! I need a girls name that's sort of demonic
rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago
Lilith XD
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
*some tumblr kin name* ah yes