parisqeen · 7 years ago
I don't have ADHD but I would say it's normal for thoughts to constant, thoughts always are but I'd presume they'd become a lot more stream line and consistent. Even if that's not normal who cares! You feel good! Hopefully you can keep taking it but if not enjoy the time you have on it and maybe look for an alternative
captainjackharknes · 7 years ago
Its prescription,so I have a medicine bottle of it. I have enough right now for a month and it's just so great. I can think so much faster,and things I see register in my mind so much more easily!
parisqeen · 7 years ago
That's awesome! I'm glad it's working so well for you
captainjackharknes · 7 years ago
I thought I could read quickly before but now holy crap
xshadowxqueenx · 7 years ago
It's totally normal
deleted · 7 years ago
You should consider trying a different medicine. Adderall causes You to lose your appetite which caused me to stay underweight for many years before I finally switched over to another medicine.
xshadowxqueenx · 7 years ago
The appetite thing lasts for a week tho. also, pro tip, take adderall when you arent on an empty stomach to avoid losing your appetite
celticrose · 7 years ago
This is totally normal for someone who actually needs Adderall. Congratulations, you now have a more constructive brain. I miss Adderall and cannot wait to get into a doctor again.
captainjackharknes · 7 years ago
I actually need to lose weight so...
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
captainjackharknes · 7 years ago
Actually,that would require me to think the pill itself causes the weight loss. The weaker appetite is just an added benefit for said weight loss