teresammm · 7 years ago
Cat videos are awesome!! Good one.
Have you seen the one of that lady doing yoga, falling over, and 3 cats flying through her room? Best one ever, so far.
But link still welcome. <3
parisqeen · 7 years ago
(I know you didn't want congrats but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!) It's normal to feel sad on your bday, you start to reflect and sometimes that can be a bit scary and a bit depressing but it's okay.
Here's a vid I hope you like it:
sheeby78 · 7 years ago
First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY second of all if I were you I'd turn off the lights, cuddle up in a blanket, make some popcorn and watch your favorite Disney movie.
spazz · 7 years ago
luna · 7 years ago
I'm not really sure how to answer this, so I'm going to do so in the most literal of ways. Reheated pizza and cold Chinese food make me happy. New bottles of conditioner. The light just before the sun is about to set. Fresh sheets all tucked in to the corners of the bed. Going to the opera. The way my dog's ears perk up. Whole milk. Electro swing. Sticking my head out the moon roof while my friends are driving and pretending I'm in a movie. People watching. Singing alone. French accents. French kisses. Finding what I need when I thought I'd lost it. Not having to pay full price for something. Elderly couples. Getting dressed up. The way clouds look at night. Garlic bread. Sleeping with someone beside me. People's laughs, especially when they're unique or maybe even a little weird.
And birthday cake.
i_ · 7 years ago
Happy Brothday. Now go masturbate and you'll feel just fine for about ten minutes afterwards.