parisqeen · 6 years ago
This is for general interest cause it was on my mind for a long time, if you have any questions about it I can try and answer them as best I can. So this isn’t those common sounds that annoy us like finger nails on chalk boards and high pitched squeaks, these annoy us because our brain interprets them as potential dangers or threats so reacts that way but either cringing or curling up.
BUT there are certain people that react violently to certain noises such as breathing, clicking, lip smacking and chewing. This is Misophonia. These certain noises cause them to go into fits of rage and they get super angry. According to my friend (you can do a lot more research if you would like), it’s caused because these people have a abnormally large insular cortex, a region of the brain responsible for interpreting signals and emotional processing. It’s really cool cause apparently majority of people with Misophonia also have high emotional intelligence which may also be due to the enlarged size of
parisqeen · 6 years ago
the insular cortex. (That part of the brain is between the amygdala and the hypothalamus if that helps visualise it).
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Also some fun facts, people with misophonia react more violently to these noises if they’re produced by family members or people that they loved because they don’t like seeing them in a state of venerability. When we eat or sleep we are ‘venerable’ or back in the day when we had bigger predators we used to be so their brain dislikes the thought of them being in that state and therefore they become even more hyper sensitive to those noises. I'm not a professional but I was so excited to learn all of this and I know some of you may be wondering it too so here ya go!
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Here's a short article with some basic neuroscience about it if you're curious.
timebender25 · 6 years ago
How interesting.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Yeah I thought so too, don't mind if people don't care I just wanted to share ahah
jade · 6 years ago
I have a friend who’s diagnosed with misophonia, it’s realy terrible for her a lot of the time
parisqeen · 6 years ago
That sucks, it's only recently been certified as an actual disorder because most doctors shook it off as something "inside their head" but now we actually have research and have done MRIs so we know it's actually a section of the brain responsible for it. Does your friend get treatment?
jade · 6 years ago
I believe she’s been to therapy, but I don’t think she goes now. She is and has been on several medications to try to help her. She also has other issues so she ends up taking a few monster pills a day. That in itself realy frustrates her, sometimes she thinks she can’t be treated and that it’s only getting worse
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Well for Misophonia specifically I don't think there are medications that help it. At the moment therapy includes validating that she has a real disorder and then trying to associated calming techniques with hearing the noises she hates, so deep breathing and meditation while hearing them (take it in little steps, don't rush) so the severity of her reactions lessen. I would tell her that it's not getting worse and she can be treated it'll just take a lot of patience, time and unique methods. I wish your friend the best it would be horrible having to deal with Misophonia let alone other problems.
natethegreat · 6 years ago
I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I make lip smacking sounds like I'm eating food while playing online on purpose xDD
I wanna make them feel so uncomfortable but it's hilarious when someone else starts making those sounds back, idk why it just is to me lmao
Although, in real life it's very awkward especially when it's dead silence.
deleted · 6 years ago
Pretty sure my dad has this, and I believe I have something similar, to a lesser extent
i_ · 6 years ago
I'd just like to point out that "venerable" means "very respectable" as in a wise elder or a similar figure. You're looking for "vulnerable" meaning "open to damage or attack".
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Oh yep, that's what I meant but autocorrect changes it to venerable for me and I can't edit in chat. Thanks though! @ i_
@yimmye You can get diagnosed for it if it really hinders your life, usually it's easy to tell if you have it because those simple noises become extremely loud and you feel extremely angry and anxious. If this happens you should probably get diagnosed and try therapy, I'm not a professional but if it's debilitating then I suggest that.
@natethegreat Yeah I hate that noise SO damn much, my sister does it to annoy me and I have to make her stop or I cover my ears. Doesn't mean I have it but that noise is pretty universally annoying
parisqeen · 6 years ago
sorry, @i_ for the first bit
i_ · 6 years ago
is fine
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
My brother has Misophonia and he can’t stand us at the dinner table. He also has some sort of bat-like hearing since he could hear me humming from the other side of the house
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Yeah that's what it does, I'm sorry for your brother that would suck. His hearing is hypersensitive to those specific noises so when a person with misophonia hears that noise that triggers them, that's all they can hear, for example your bother hearing you humming as soon as he hears that slight sound the noise amplifies inside his head.