leincredibleme · 6 years ago
Paint your favorite superhero in a classic painting ala "persistence of memory"
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
Ooooooooo do that ^^^^^^^^^^^
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Try a dystopian world or post apocalyptic with weird people. Maybe a person with a common house object as their face or someone doing something seemingly normal but it turns out it's not. Eg a kid eating cookies but you look closer and the cookies are little people. Maybe a normal scene like a street but half the painitng is how one person sees it then the other half is how another person sees it, like muted colours and stress vs happy, lively fun atmosphere. Just some ideas, hope this helps
juliesmash · 6 years ago
Those are some great ideas you guys!!
dr_richard_ew · 6 years ago
Try to paint the incomprehensible
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
A nuclear backflip toaster
itselectric · 6 years ago
Here’s a prompt “Purple Nirvana”
deleted · 6 years ago
Draw a tree and then draw another tree. Cause everybody needs friends.
ajhedges · 6 years ago
i_be_lost · 6 years ago
maybe your favorite animal?
info_chan · 6 years ago
Paint some S U R R E A L memes