Fun Facts of the Day
by hydrofalcon · 11 comments 6 years ago
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
So let’s share some intersteing and totally useless things.
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers. Also when you think about it an octopus is just a wet spider.
scatmandingo · 6 years ago
Myodesopsia is the medical term for eye floaters. It’s caused by irregularities in the vitreous humor.
mrscollector · 6 years ago
Well thanks to me getting ready for our trip to disneyland I have tons of. Useless facts on disneyland.
Like some might not know that like Disney world disneyland has a secret apartment for VIP guest. It is above the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. You can see it's balcony. It has Walt's and Roy's initials on the railing.
Also that when the park first open you could go fishing in the river and keep the fish. But after they found people throwing fish away and leaving them not only everywhere but even in lockers they stopped it.
One more is the light in Walt's apartment above the fire station only ever is off when his daughter visits. So if it is off you know she is in the park.
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
If Pinokio says, “My nose will now grow”, it would cause a paradox.
A kangaroo can’t hop if you lift its tail.
A baby octopus is about the size of a flea when it is born.
jess_yea · 6 years ago
[female]Kangaroos have 3 vaginas
thepersonyouhate2 · 6 years ago
Venus has days longer than its years and rotates clockwise, contrary to the other planets which spin counterclockwise
thepersonyouhate2 · 6 years ago
If viewed from mercury the sun would travel acrods the sky east to west, go back towards the east again at noon, and then continue going west due to its ver elliptical orbit and 2/3 tidal lock
thepersonyouhate2 · 6 years ago
Mars is technically in the habitable zone but its lack of atmosphere and strong magnetic field to protect from asteroids and solar radiation make it uninhabitable
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Male guppies impregnate females by transferring sperm through their mouth in small doses. This is why they are seen chasing after the females to boop their anuses. The ratio between male and female guppies should be 1: 3 to prevent the females being stressed too much
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Don't ask me why I know this... I used to be at a fish forum 24/7 before I discovered funsubstance