NSFWish question
by sir_spiderman · 5 comments 6 years ago
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Why are the two Z's in Brazzers a different color than everything else? Is this a design choice? An inside joke? I am far too curious about this and I need to know!

On another note, here is the meme that inspired this question: http://funsubstance.com/fun/326176/pure-gold/?ref=prandom
deleted · 6 years ago
Design choice. The different color probably gets people's attention
fizzydrink · 6 years ago
Probably makes it easier to remember how to spell too since it could be spelled with 1 "z".
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
I was looking at the title i i thought you wrote NSF Wish Question and i was so confused
deleted · 6 years ago
I thinks it's probably for attracting attention and making it easier to remember.