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fire_is_hot · 6 years ago
Well? what was the outcome of your night?
harmonywho · 6 years ago
I hope your friend is doing better
dash224 · 6 years ago
The outcome is that she’s totally fine like I knew she’d be. She was just dealing with paranoia. And I don’t appreciate you guys trying to make me look like an asshole for not wanting to disrupt my sleep to check if she’s okay when I’ve taken numerous edibles in the past and I was fine.
maebubbles · 6 years ago
Just because you were fine doesn’t mean she would have been. Not trying to sound like an asshole but when I used to smoke I would get paranoid too but I would make sure all the doors and windows were locked prior to any smoking.
deleted · 6 years ago
Why ask for advice if you’re gonna get pissy about the answers
fire_is_hot · 6 years ago
People typically are fine taking drugs numerous times... until that one time...
matthewg · 6 years ago
I'm just glad you kids didn't take a bunch, figuring they weren't working, and end up clogging up an er somewhere. SO annoying.
Also, just curious, but in this situation, wouldn't it be just fine to check on her without waking her up? Or maybe have an edible further away from bedtime?
fire_is_hot · 6 years ago
Well if they were asking for advice on here, I'm guessing they don't know how to check on a person without waking them up.
matthewg · 6 years ago
Take their temperature rectally so as not to rouse them by trying to slip foreign objects past their lips.
dash224 · 6 years ago
No I was asking hoping someone would say no you don’t need to check up on her. And I wouldn’t let her call an ambulance. She did not take that much from the edible; therefore, she didn’t need medical assistance and didn’t need me to check up on her.
carne_asada · 6 years ago
Well if it was marijuana then it’s literally harmless. Any other drug and you should have listened
dash224 · 6 years ago
I might sound like a shitty friend but it’s just weed. If it was anything else I would genuinely be concerned. But I had an 8am the next morning and I didn’t feel like disrupting my sleep.
guest_ · 6 years ago
@dash224- I’m just saying, I did say don’t check on her, so don’t lump me in there.
thatguyyouknow · 6 years ago
*grabs popcorn*
laughwendylaugh · 6 years ago
My first time taking an edible I ended up passing out (as in walking across the room and suddenly passing out and hitting the floor) and puking up everything. Turns out my sister had a bad experience with edibles also. It might be just weed but for some people it is dangerous.
dash224 · 6 years ago
@guest_ yes I thank you for being the anomaly and providing the only advice I took. I didn’t originally mention you because the majority of the comments said I should’ve checked and I felt like since were the only one you wouldn’t want me to mention you.
guest_ · 6 years ago
lol. I was just giving you a hard time. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I’m glad it turned out relatively alright though. Hopefully she had a good experience, or at least came away having gained some wisdom.
matthewg · 6 years ago
Potheads are the wisest of folk, I've found. ;)
deleted · 6 years ago
I used to be wise then
carne_asada · 6 years ago
indeed. Weed helps me study (I go to college in colorado and now nevada where weed is legal :)