scatmandingo · 6 years ago
When should you use it? If the comment is not valid? If you do not agree with it? If the horribility of the righting is two mcuh?
deleted · 6 years ago
It totally depends in you. I myself never downvote anybody. If I feel like, they are wrong or I have a different perspective regarding the matter, I comment.
deleted · 6 years ago
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Yeah I'm similar to Spook, I don't downvote unless what has been said is unacceptable or an attack on somebody with no reasoning behind it. I don't get involved unless it seems necessary.
However, I think the overall purpose of the downvote is just to show that majority of people disagree with what that person has said, I think it's often overused though.
this_isntme · 6 years ago
Yeah, I'm a jerk and I agree with Spook and Paris. Even I don't downvote. I either just move on or type something that has no useful value but continues the conversation.
deleted · 6 years ago
Generally people who downvote are the trolls or salty users and guests. Apart from that, every one comments to show their disagreement.
la · 6 years ago
Hmm, I do downvote but it's only when it's too small to comment about and it has likes already (and it's when the comment is wrong or really misunderstands the post)
unicycle · 6 years ago
I downvote comments when they're rude, unnecessary, incorrect, or I disagree. The votes on a comment are a quick way to see how people reacted to what was said, much like facial expressions would be used in a face-to-face conversation. Sometimes I'll comment why I disagree, sometimes someone else has already stated my view so I use the votes to show my support, and sometimes I just don't have time to write a comment. You can use the voting system however you like, this is just how I conceptualise it.
mickymouse · 6 years ago
I usually just downvote if it’s a political post or something that’s just straight up offensive. I always follow it up with a rationalisation comment on political posts because I can’t keep my mouth shut.
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
The downvote function is implemented in other meme sites for downvoting just posts so that way admins can take a look if it has too much downvotes and make a choice to delete it. For seome reason Zeus doesnt do that, so hmmmmmmmmm